Sunday, January 31, 2010

Diner Dash^^

Yesterday night was like diner dash! June and I were running around all over the restaurant, seating guests, taking orders and pre-bussing tables. Amy took charge of the door with Owais to help her. It was FUN! Somehow, when it's so busy like that, taking orders and talking to the guests becomes much easier. That's because I'm constantly thinking that I need to get back to the door so acting all cheery is the fastest and most effiecient way of getting all the orders quickly (I think).

Closing was much fun again. This time I was wearing Faizal's hat. That was fun. Syod(Gun) called me Charlie Chaplin's daughter. He's such a joker (you can't usually tell because his face is almost always unsmiling). Nad was doing closing too and she looked beat.

Anyway, that's all for now because I'M SO HUNGRY!! Hehe :):)

Saturday, January 30, 2010


What a day it was (yesterday, I mean). The place was packed! There were guests walking in right up till the last call. Some people that were due to finish at 10 had to stay an extra hour because it was busy. I actually like it when the restaurant's busy. Times like that keep me moving around and I won't feel bored at all.

When the last group of guests finally left, I started the closing duties. It was much more fun this time. We were all talking, laughing and joking around. I even got to wear the clown hat :) I'd say that closing shifts are the best. The only setback is that it can get a little tiring. I'm on the same shift today so it's another round of fun.

Anyway, once the baking class is over, I plan on making a date with my little brother. I haven't seen him in ages and I miss him so much! I can't wait!!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Amy and June are awesome separately and when you put them together, they're beyond words. Or rather, I am. They keep me laughing all day. Sometimes, I laugh so hard that my stomach muscles start to ache. I've only known them for a few weeks but they're some of the closest friends I have. I'm glad to have met them both. I'm really going to miss June if she decides to stop working once our results are out. I'll miss her so much! And I'll miss Amy too if she goes anywhere else.

Anyway, now for less mushy stuff. I was wondering about my future (again). If I really do study English, there's not much in store for me after college. I'm worried about that, and with good reason. I want to study something that can get me a good job. I want to be working in a position I love my whole life rather than going to work just because I have to. The problem is, I don't have any idea what I want to pursue. I'm quite sure I don't want to be a medical doctor. So maybe I should be a lawyer or a psychiatrist. I don't know. How can I find out? How can I come to realise what it is I want to do for the rest of my life?????? I need help in this department!

I also miss Nadiah. Since we both started working, we've rarely spent time together. Fortunately, we're both on the closing shifts so we can spend the morning together tomorrow. :):) I can't wait! I have much to tell her.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Life Life..

I went to school in the morning with my fellow Koperasi Members to collect our allowance. It was fun being back in school. We saw many of our teachers again. In a way, I miss school but at the same time it was great being able to walk around the school free as birds without fear of being caught loitering.

Now for some thoughts; I've noticed that some people lack manners. 'Please' and 'Thank You' just don't matter anymore. They act so imperiously when they shouldn't and that causes symptoms of severe rudeness. The worst part is, these kind of people don't realise they're doing it. They act as they always do and are blind to their weaknesses. I have to admit that even though my manners are quite intact, I am still rude at times and I should work on that. I won't be a hypocrite.

I had lunch with some of the dubs today (by accident). It was fun talking to them outside work. I'll do it again sometime :)


Amy and June are both off. So here I am at work, kind of alone. Owais is coming at 1pm, so around his time it's like 1.15-1.20pm. Sherry is an SPG today. I was dreading this a little but she's not too bad. She doesn't talk much but that's fine by me. Amy and June left a note in the reservation book. THX GALS!

Anyway, I'm getting kind of comfortable here. It's not so bad. The more you get to know them the friendlier they are. It's like going back to school. You'll make new friends & learn new things. You'll meet different personalities; some you'll come to like and some you'll learn to tolerate. The best part about all of this is that it doesn't feel like work at all. Sure it gets boring once in a while but there's not feeling of 'aww man! Work... :('. We get paid to enjoy.

I ate something before I came to work to ensure that I wouldn't be hungry till my break time. I was wrong. It's only 1pm and already my stomach is growling. I don't think I'm going to Jasmine today. I feel like eating something sweet. Maybe I'll get a cake. But I need solid food too so maybe some chicken rice as well.

Owais is here! YAY! Sounds like he enjoyed the party. I'm glad he did because he wasn't so keen on it at first. Anyway, it's great that he working the swing shift today too. At least I'll have him as company.

I have changed my mind yet again. I'm now at Jasmine Cafe. I decided (finally) to eat one roti canai. It tasted quite good. Also, my fear of coming here alone has elevated slightly. I might go again next time.

Next, I need a book to read. My left brain (or right; whichever that's the creative part) needs stimulating. There's an MPH sale going on somewhere and I'm going as soon as I find out where. :):)

Monday, January 25, 2010

All In A Day's Work...

This is the post from today, all rewritten from my handy notebook. ENJOY! :)


Here I am, about an hour early for work. I am not going to sign in early because I know boss won't let me (they have to keep labour costs under control). So, I'm just sitting here on a bench, waiting for time to pass so I can start work. Then Again, there's not much to do when on the morning shift. All the duties can be done within 15-20 minutes. The next 40 minutes waiting for the shop to open I just spend looking around and once in a while turning away guests because the restaurant hasn't officially opened yet (what kind of people will want to eat breakfast at Friday's??) Anyway, I can't even go to Jusco to satiate my hunger because it's not opened yet. Even the washrooms aren't fully operational this early. Why am I here this early?? My mother needed to go to work earlier and so I had to go to work earlier. I'm not complaining, I just wish I had that extra hour of sleep, or at least to have somewhere to sleep while I'm here.

Trailing from that, I've always thought that it'll be a great idea to have some place people can go to just sit and relax. Like a restaurant, only it's not compulsory for you to become a patron to enjoy the seat. Just a place to sit, eat your own food, hangout with friends or even just read a book or lie down without having to feel guilty about using the space but not buying stuff from them. Get what I mean? A kind of hangout area or an indoor park. A second home. Sounds good to me :)

By the way, time is doing one of its mysterious moves again. Its crawling by so slowly!! After what, according to me, should have been 1 hour, only 20 minutes has passed. Step it up time!!...... Another hour (20 minutes)..........

I'm at work now (really). I've done all my morning duties and now the restaurant is officially opened for business. Here comes the hunger. I can't wait for my break. I want to try the roti canai at Jasmine Cafe. But then again, maybe I should stop thinking about food for now because my tummy is really rumbling. That's going to prove difficult though. The smell of the food is really hindering my feeble attempts to calm my gastric juices. THINK FOOD-LESS THOUGHTS! .... It worked, for now. However, I'm bored again. There's not much to do here (and here come the smell of food again!). Just standing around, looking at the same scenery day after day. The most I can do during these peak hours of boredom is to come up with a list of things to buy when I get my salary. In short, a Blow-Off-All-My-Cash List. It's not like I'm a shop-a-holic. I just like to plan what to buy. Most of the time I don't get everything on the list, only one or two essentials. It's the planning that helps. The problem is I don't want anything now so I can't make a list. I'll have to come up with something else.

(A few hours has passed, by the way) Angel didn't come to work. It's not too bad though because I don't really talk to her anyway and I have Amy to keep my company. She talks a lot (in a good way) and I listen. I try to talk too but I don't really know what to say so I just end up laughing. Basically, I love listening to people talk. I'm a listener, an analyser, an observer. I'm not a great conversationalist. I might have to work on that.

Ramesh just took my notebook!! He read it! It's not to be read by anyone but me until it's posted on my blog. "You're such a busy body Ramesh!". (BTW: if you're reading this Mesh, ENJOY THE PARTY & REMEMBER YOUR BET WITH NIL. DON'T VOMIT FIRST! LET ME KNOW HOW IT GOES)

During break, I didn't go to Jasmine. I didn't want to go alone. So, I had lunch at the Jusco food court (Nasi Lemak with Rendang Ayam). Then, I had a McDonald's Chocolate Sundae with extra fudge. In conclusion, I'm STUFFED!

I'm so stuffed that I actually considered not eating dinner. But when dinner time came, I was hungry again. My stomach is like a bottomless pit. Anyway, I've finally reached season 4 of Voyager. It's getting fun. Seven of Nine is in the picture now. I just love her composure. :) She's so intelligent and so clueless at the same time.

I'm going to sign off here. It's along post already (fitting, since it's been a long day). CHAO!


The following post is actually what I've written in my notebook through out the day. This is from last night. I've decided to write through the day and post in on my blog at the end of the day so that I won't miss anything and the writing is straight from the heart. :)

Truth is I'm bored with my hairstyle. There's nothing much I can do about it. Whichever way I cut it, it's always big and poofy. It looks good on me when it's tame but that's only about 40% of the time. The other 60% of the time, I keep it tied up because it's too unruly. At the same time, I'm completely in love with my hair. I love the way it falls, I love the way it curls and I love the way it always seems to stay undamaged. I just wish I knew of a better way to cut it. A cut that will allow me to explore various styles and one that will keep my head of hair in check most of the time. Short hair: No way! Tried, but dislike. It gets too afro-like. Long hair: Sure, but what style? I can't thin it, I will not straighten it (it may pose complications but I do love my challengingly curly hair) and I am not going bald :) So what are my remaining options? I'm going to sleep on it and see if I can figure something out.

In a totally connected but unrelated topic, I believe that our subconscious mind is much smarter than that of our conscious mind. We dare to think beyond the boundaries and we explore ideas and thoughts through our subconscious in a way our conscious mind cannot. So, I'll let my subconscious have a stab at solving this hairy dilemma.

Moving on, the Rapid Action Team (RAT) in CDM is going to start a tuition centre in Alam Megah. They need volunteer teachers and I've decided to sign up. This centre will be especially for students who cannot afford to pay for tuition. We're going to help them with their education and I'm glad to be of help. Besides, I'm getting bored anyway. It'll be fun to teach others anything I can, to pass on the knowledge I've gleaned over all my school years. I've opted to teach English and Mathematics up to the Form 5 level. I have good English and though the grammar part may be difficult for me to teach, I know I can make a good impact on these kids writing skills. As for Maths, I love that subject and I've never had any problems with it. The RAT's (I love their name(: ) are going to have a meeting to get things organised and I just cannot wait!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mystery of Time

When I'm working in less than fun circumstances (like when June or Owais isn't there) time goes by painfully slow. Every five minutes seems like an hour. I just can't wait to go home and start watching Voyager. But on Saturday, things were kind of different. June wasn't there and Owais was busy but time just flew by. I was doing the swing shift but before I knew it I was heading home. That was a good day. I wonder why it went by so fast. I'm not complaining though:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Running Through My Mind..

I was just thinking about my future! Wondering what my results will be, what step I'm going to take next. It's all a little overwhelming. I want to study English but I don't want to teach it. I prefer to do stuff like journalism or proof reading:) or things along that line. I just don't know how good that choice is. Will I get a job? Will all my hardwork in college or university be wasted because the course I'm going to study is basically useless?? That's all very mind boggling. For now, what I'm going to do is go to this place where they can help me look for places to study that have the course I want and maybe even give me more options.

Anyway, as for work. It's going fine. Today is June's off day but I'll have Owais to keep me company. Swing shift again! Now, I have to go figure out what I'm going to wear. Tata!

Sunday, January 17, 2010



*Phew* Now that I've got that out. So, I've not been blogging simply because work is taking up most of my time. I really like working, don't get me wrong, but I just wish I had a little more time to relax. I've made some friends and I like them all. My partner in crime is a little lady named June,

and when I say little, I mean it. She's a few inches shorter than me but she's a few decibels louder than me. :) It's really fun working when I have the same shift as June or some of the other SPG's. We laugh and talk all the time and they keep me smiling the entire shift. However, when they're not there, it's a little harder to keep a smile on my face. And besides, my default face is not a smiling, smirking, happy one so it's hard to keep smiling all day. I'll keep trying though.

I went shopping while on my break yesterday (JUSCO started their CNY sale!!) and I bought a few black blouses for work. So now, the GM can't ask me why I keep wearing the same two blouses day in and day out. When he did ask me, my witty remark was 'When will I get my salary??' Anyway, work can be fun but sometimes there are rough patches. Both June and I are new to this job so of course we don't really know how to do everything yet. And if no one teaches us how, we'll never learn.

As SPG's, we're supposed to help the dubs clear the tables and stuff if they're busy. The only problem is we don't know where to send the dishes. First time I ask, they said "send it to the kitchen". When I sent it to the kitchen, they complained I didn't do it right. So I asked again, only then did I get a proper answer on what exactly I should do with the dishes when I take them to the kitchen. After that problem was solved, another one arose. The manager saw a couple of uncleared tables and even though the dubs weren't busy, he asked us to help clear it, so we tried. As soon as we reached the table, the dubs shooed us away saying it's their job and we shouldn't interfere. ??? . So what then should we do?? Also, there's the whole keep-smiling-no-talking issue. Like I said before, it's difficult to keep smiling an entire shift especially when your back hurts from standing so long and you're bored because you can't talk and when the managers themselves don't smile all the time. Smiling: I'll work on it, but no talking? That's just too much. When there's no guest, or when it's not peak hours, why can't we talk?? It's not like we neglect anyone when we do. We still keep an eye out for whatever the guests' need, so why can't we talk and joke around??

So, I'll end what seems to be a long post with a 'tak tau malu' phrase. COME AND EAT IN FRIDAYS!! COME FOR THE FOOD, STAY FOR THE FUN! (And if you're wondering, all our work issues are invisible to the guest, so even if I'm having a bad day, you'll definitely always have a good experience there) haha!!

p.s: I'm missing Dillon Li. I'll come see you ass soon as I can!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


So, working is still very fun. I made some new friends. Standing around gets boring at times but it can be fun if I try. The managers are really great and friendly. The good part about this job is I have to learn to be more outgoing. It's tough but it'll work out, I'm sure of it.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First Day Of Work..

This was it. I'm tired and my back is aching from standing all day but I'm also very excited. Working isn't too bad. I know this is probably just the first-day-of-work fever but I enjoyed it. The only problem is the wardrobe. I'm going to have to improvise alot since I don't have any office clothes but I'll manage.

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day Of School

I can't believe we didn't go to school today. It's a first. It feels weird not getting up at 6.30am and getting ready for school. I kind of miss school but in a way it is fun. I feel like I'm growing up. Although, that's not saying much since I watched Lion King I just a few hours ago. Anyway, I hope I enjoy the year :)

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year!

'Tis the New Year, 2010. I think that this is going to be a really 'new' year. It will definitely bring new experience and new acquaintances because this is the first year after finishing school. So, in short, I can't wait!

We (mother, brother and me) have started watching Star Terk Voyager. We've finished the entire 1st season in only one week. It's so fun watching the whole thing again but we should really control how much we watch each day because we're in danger of finishing the entire 7 seasons in less than a month. Not a good idea if I do say so myself. Anyway, Tuvok said something that I would like to repeat here: Do not mistake composure for ease. I don't know why but I like that saying.

On another note, I have an interview for a job this tuesday. I'm so excited!!!