Thursday, September 30, 2010


Supposed to be posted yesterday (29/09/2010)
School was kind of normal (as normal as possible, that is). We had a short career talk before school ended. It was very interesting. We filled out a personality form and found out the kind of people we are (left- or right-brained) and the kind of job that suits us.

There was something about peripheral vision, moving forward & focusing but never losing sight of everything else that's going on. Something ma already taught me! :) When I was working at Carismen Dolce, I did some data entry work and at the beginning, I was so focused that I ignored everything and everyone else around me. Then ma told me that I shouldn't do that especially in the store environment when customers can enter at anytime and needs to be tended to. So, lesson learnt!

After that, the guy told us that there were three kinds of people in the world. People who;
We're supposed to be the ones who make things happen of course.

And then there was this whole thing about the difference between having a career and a job. A career  being a lifetime appointment and something you love and want to do. A job; something you just do in exchange for cash. Obviously, I want a career. Though what that may be is still a mystery to me. After the personality test, I've found out that I'm a right-brained kind of person. Yellow and Red are my colours, which symbolises someone who is emotional, charismatic, prefers chaos and is definitely weird on some level. Not bad, considering...

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Mystery of Self Respect and Science

Today, I'll start off with the assembly in school. The prefects were checking every body's socks because someone was wearing yellow socks and they were trying to find out who it was. While checking, one prefect told off an upper six girl who had dyed her hair. That girl, in turn, got defensive and argued back. The prefect didn't say anything much after that with the exception of a warning. Once the prefect left, the girl started to vent her feelings to her friends in a very loud and sarcastic way. She kept hurling insults at the prefect all through the Negaraku, Selangor Anthem and School Song. It was totally annoying. I was so tempted to tell them to quite down, but I didn't since I knew what would happen if I did. After the song, they continued to utter abuse, now directed at the entire prefects board and the school itself, during the morning prayers. Talk about lack of respect. It doesn't matter to me whether you're right or wrong, as long as you have some respect, if not for the school or state, at least for you're country. We should be thankful that we live in a country where we can go to bed without worry. We have running water, electricity, clean air and most importantly, peace. So, no matter how upset, mad, hurt or angry you are, you put it aside and proudly sing the National Anthem. After that, feel free to continue your string of condemnation. The same should be for the prayers. Just because you're not Muslim nor a Christian, you don't have the right to disrespect their prayers. How would you feel if I talked loudly and insulted people openly while you were praying? Where's you self respect? In my book it's completely tarnished  thanks to you immaturity. Some decency would be much appreciated.

Anyway, after school we (Visha and I) had R&D with Pn.Soleha. Dinesh joined us a little later on when the topic was traditions. We talked about Sarees and traditions of each culture but somehow we managed to steer the conversation to boys and girls. Visha said that girls have two extra ribs (I thought so too but didn't I read somewhere that the myth was busted?). Then Pn.Soleha mentioned the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was made from a rib bone that God took from Adam. I said; "I wonder if there was any anesthetics involved at that time?" and Dinesh, the smart-alec, said; "So that means God invented cloning! That's where science started!." (o.O)

He went on and said, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the Apple from the tree because it was sprayed with insecticide and that Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden because they were contaminated with insecticide!

Hence, God invented science and the proof is -he made Eve from Adam's rib bone. The earliest documented case of cloning.

!!Oh what geniuses we have nowadays!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day Out With Baby Dillon

First up was the photo studio (meaning the Kodak Store!). The birthday boy was crying a lot but mostly because of the lights (partly because He 'doesn't know me'). We tried so many things to get him to smile, rattles, a fan, his hat. He was supposed to get a solo shot but refused to be alone so we ended up with a family photo and a photo of him with one parent at a time. He's absolutely adorable but a little 'spoiled'. He's a mama's boy, always gets his way. We won't the photos today itself so they'll email it to me when it's ready.

After Kodak, we headed home so Dillon could take his nap.When he woke up, we took some pictures with the cake and Dillon's birthday present (a remote control car).

Behold my cuteness!


Happy Birthday to me!

After that, we headed to Tony Roma's for lunch. I couldn't help but compare the food to that of Friday's. Lets start of with the appetizer; Spanish Onion which is kind of like onion rings (I'd have preferred the Frizzled Onions from Friday's), buffalo wings and potato skins. The onion was good but too oily in my opinion, buffalo wings were great and the potato skins were alright. For the main course, we had barbecued ribs. The one in Friday's is much more tender but the sauce here is better. Also, I have to admit, their mash potato was awesome (compared to Friday's). I feel kind of guilty about the food there being better but if I compare the service, Friday's beat them flat. In conclusion, I'm sticking to Friday's! Anyway, we played with some soap bubble in Tony Roma's (something we should have done for the photo shoot).

 Well, I had alot of fun. At first, he was a little scared by me because he hadn't seen me in a while but once he got used to me it was all OK. I had a great day with you, Dillon Li! (Yeah, yeah.. I know you can't read)

Friday, September 24, 2010

FunDay, FoodDay, FinalDay(of the week)!

Finally Friday! This week has been keeping me busy. I'm a little behind on homework but hopefully I'll be able to catch up during the weekend. Now that I think about it, I actually have a lot going on, in school, church, BEC, and my personal schedule. I have to make sure I avoid biting off more than I can chew. I'm still sane, thankfully, and I'm actually handling things quite well. Better than I would have a few years ago, anyway.

We had a little origami class in school today. We made birds, hearts and little 'sampan's. Dinesh named his boat 'Ath'ena' (Apparently it's the ship that got wrecked in the beginning of twelfth night) and I named mine 'Petite' (as in, the opposite of Titanic. Also, that's what Visha called me:)). Witty, no? Romina and Visha got a heart each and little birds that actually didn't come out good. Which reminds me, I have some PA homework to finish.

Anyway, moving on to food! Today, ma and I actually cooked a proper meal for ourselves. Ma made fried rice (delicious!) and I made spring rolls. My first time, but it tasted quite good.

Ingredients for the filling: Spring Onions, Carrots, Light Green Chili

Filling the spring (before it becomes a roll:)

Rolled and ready to fry
Viola! The end-product.
 Tasty :)
Awesome dinner today.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'm heading off to go see Dillon! His parents want to take him to a photo studio for a photo shoot. I've never done anything like that so I'm quite excited. Most babies cry a lot during photo shoots but Dillon is really easy going (unlike his dad :P), so I think he'll be fine. I am, however, kind of worried that he's forgotten me (which is very possible since I haven't seen him in quite a while). I'm hoping he has a great memory (to remember his long lost sister) or at least a good judge of character (knowing that I love him and just want to spoil him all I can!). I'm so excited to the point where I've already picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Something sweet, comfortable and baby friendly.

I was thinking about getting him a present for his birthday but it seems the cons outweigh the pros. He's growing fast so it'll be a 'No' for clothes. I don't think he can fully enjoy a proper toy, and a card is just tacky (even if he could read). I'll hold off the material spoiling till he's old enough to remember:)

My lids are getting heavier by the minute so see y'all around!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Embracing The Rain

First off, this is my 100th post this year! Wohoo!

School was so much fun today. During MUET, we did group discussions. Since my half my group didn't turn up (they're in hospital), I'm not due to present till next week (Alleluia!). Visha and Romina were in the same group and they were debating (and monopolising the whole discussion) about who's point is better. It was fun to watch, I must say. Visha was so into her point and I could see she was getting emotionally attached to it (I understand though, 'cause I'm exactly the same) whilst Romina was very calm and she managed to convince everyone. However, I think Visha would have ploughed on if not for the time constraint.

Anyway, during BM, we were learning about 'Proses Morfologi', 'Pengimbuhan' to be exact. I think I've said this before but I'll say it again, I really enjoy the BM classes. Learning a language from the roots is really something. My use of the language, however, is still very poor and I'll have to work on it really hard. I won't be perfect but to be good is great. :)

Economics was the best. Even when Dinesh was sitting in the row in front of me, I was laughing non-stop at his and Visha's antics. Today, he decided to sit next to me. You can imagine just how much more I was laughing. Visha was hilarious too. Everything was amplified.

After school, we joined a treasure hunt organised by L6S1 in conjunction with the Month of Independence (did I say it right??). Anyway, It was really fun. I was in a group with Karthiga and Tamil. We, or more accurately I, was running around everywhere. I was a ball of energy (even though it was raining cats and dogs). We tried our best to answer all the questions. We left one of it blank (Semangat Membaca........?), and the other question that we didn't know, we guessed the answer (When did tun Dr. Mahathir declare the Malaysia Flag as Jalur Gemilang?) We only wrote down a random year; 1997. Our theory being that if no one else got it (since everyone seemed to be having an issue with that particular question), our year would be correct and we'd get the extra point. F.Y.I: I just checked, the actual date was 31August 1997. Yay! So now I'm hoping we get a point:). there was one question that we couldn't not have answered without help from Team Revolution (Visha, Romina and Dinesh). It was a calculation question. We really didn't have enough brain energy to do the math so they helped us out. Thanks Guys! :)

That was the day so far. I have some Economics work to finish up and then, hopefully, sleep. I've kind been an insomniac these past few nights. I wasn't exactly completely awake but neither was I dead asleep (I'm always usually dead asleep!)

Alright then. Chao for now!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Journey's End In Lover's Meeting

My last post was minimal and even embarrassing. I apologise for it. This post is an attempt to amend my shameful recollection of the Twelfth Night by T4YP. I do hope I do it justice.

As I've said before, it was a blast! It started off with the shipwreck & Viola saying that she would pose as a man and serve Duke Orsino in Illyria. She had lost her twin brother, Sebastian to the sea and thought him dead. The story continues with Orsino getting Viola (known to him as Cesario) to woo his crush, Lady Olivia on his behalf. At the same time, Viola falls for Orsino Olivia falls for 'Cesario'. Then there's Sebastian somewhere else being taken care of by Antonio, a sea captain who saved him from the wreckage.

Then there's the subplot, including, Sir Toby (Olivia's uncle), Maria (Olivia's servant), Sir Andrew and the Fool conspiring against the head steward, Malvolio. They make him believe that Olivia is in love with him and that it's her wish for him to wear yellow stockings and smile non-stop. When Olivia sees him, she thinks he's mad and send him to be locked away. Of course, they taunt him while he's locked up.

Once Sebastian and Antonio arrive at Illyria, the confusion begins. Sebastian ends up secretly marrying Olivia, who thinks he's Cesario (though he has no idea why she's crazy for him) and Antonio who thought Viola was Sebastian get caught for making a scene. The play ends with Viola and Sebastian together in one place and they untangle the confusion and Orsino makes Viola his mistress.


There's a song that I love;
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O, stay and hear; your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low:
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.

What is love? 'tis not hereafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies no plenty;
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure.

My favourite line is said by Antonio; How have you made division of yourself?

The song that ends the play was good too. There's a line or two in that song that I love;
But that's all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day.

After the play, I met Dinesh outside. He was with another cast member, Ashley. She was so unlike her character who was strong and loud. The real Ashley was quite timid. That just goes to show how great an actress she is.

Alas, the end is upon us. Farewell!
Till my next blog:)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Barbecue on the Twelfth Night

Twelfth night was awesome! It was very well done. Kudos to the cast, they were amazing. Of course, the same goes to William Shakespeare for writing it. 'Olivia' was amusing, with her crazy-rich-kid like character. Toby and his friends were a fun bunch. The jester/priest/guitarist was kind of everywhere, one of those people who just pops in and glues everything together. Malvolio was awesome too, with his yellow stockings. Antonio(Dinesh!) was fun to watch, and he got the best line; 'How have you made division of yourself?'. All in all, a good play, in my opinion.

After that, I went to the LEYP barbecue in church. They started cooking a little too late but the food was good. The chicken tasted like satay (which is awesome 'cause I love satay). I think we did well. There were somethings we could have done differently but still, I think everyone had fun. Charades was great (my group won!), and the other game, the one I organised, was fun too(I'm not being biased). Everyone involved deserves a pat in the back for the good job. :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Historical Day Out:)

Yesterday was a blast! Pn.Janaky invited Adeline, Kavi and Me to tag along on their English Society trip. We did, with pleasure! Museum Negara was up first. I have to say, it's not at big as I had pictured it but it sure was fun. We went into the first Gallery which was dedicated to the pre-historic ages. 
We also saw 'Perak Man'. We learned about him in History. He was found somewhere in a cave somewhere in Perak. Of course, all that's left of him is bones but still, to see him (no matter how bony) was just surreal. After pre-history, we moved on to not so ancient history. Tanah Melayu before Independence. We saw Portuguese military uniforms, British weapons and even a Nippon-Go Dictionary from the Japanese invasion.
A bicycle used by the Japanese to invade us.
Cannon balls!

Nippon-Go dictionary
We also saw some old things (I have a thing for old stuff!)
The 'ayam jantan' money. People used to use rings and animals made out of tin as currency.

Old fashioned Smith Corona Type writer

Awesomely ancient kerosene lamp

even older-fashioned type writer

After that, we went to the snake exhibition. It was fantastic. There was a women in a glass room, and there were snake everywhere. There was a TV and computer for her to use if she got bored. We also saw a huge anaconda-like snake. Itwas even bigger than Kavi. There were Burmese Pythons and Boa Constrictors everywhere. After the snake exhibition, we stopped by the pet shop to look around.

Grey Male Persian Cat

Reminds me of Puss-In-Boots:)

We saw spiders feasting on a fly (never thought I'd see that!), a raccoon hanging upside down from his cage, kangaroos eating and apple, and even some really green frogs! (I love Frogs!)

After that, we headed towards the bus to go to the Bird Park. On the way to the bus, we met this really nice man who was working with wire to make some really beautiful art. He made me a keychain of my name. He did it so fast. THANKS UNCLE! 
Super-Fast creating

Smile Uncle!
 Now on to the KL Bird park!


Blue Love Bird (I think)

The Great hhornbil (Kinda Scary)


Ostrich. Did you know that it was the males that actually build the nests and incubate the eggs??

A barn owl. Like the one in Hogwarts!
Small Parrots drinking milk from a cup in Adeline's hand

This parrot landed on her and stayed there right up till we left the parrot Encounter place.
 All in all, 'twas a great day.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Watcha Lookin' At?

Two down, one to go! Yay! I've finished my MUET and PA essays. Only one more BM essay to go before I'm home free to be bored all day long. I guess just sitting here while Ma was working really got me into it. To pass the time, I did my homework. I should do this more often. Ha ha:)

Anyway, now that MUET and PA are completed, I can focus on BM(which I have no idea how to do at all!) and Literature(which I've not started on yet). Literature will be fun so I want to finish BM first. Get the 'gray' out of the way, and then on to the more colourful ones (I mean 'colourful' as in fun for me to read, not 'colouful' as in the poems are lively. The one's I'm supposed to be reading are about 'Death'. Nothing colourful about that!) Anyway, I'm leaving BM for tomorrow and Lit for Thursday.

While I was finishing up my PA essay (Ma went out to the Hospital for a meeting), I heard a tapping sound coming from the sliding door so I went to investigate. Slowly but surely, I crept to the sliding doors and my stomach did a back flip. there was a huge Monitor lizard knocking on the doors (trying to say 'Hi' maybe?). I just stared at it for a while and then grabbed my phone to take some pictures! The thing is, I did not bring my USB cable nor did I bring my memory card reader. Thankfully, I found a memory card reader on Kak Zaleha's desk. So here he(or she) is:

I don't know what species exactly

Long.. Really long!

Whatca lookin' at??

Long claws too
It had yellow spots on its scales near the claws. Quite cool actually. Anyway, while I was uploading the pictures, it ran away. It's probably still out there in the garden!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Who Live's in A Pineapple Under The Sea??


I found something to get my blood pumping and all excited about making a cake! Jez just got her driver's license and she's a little stressed about SPM (trials and all) so I decied to bake her a cake. A spongebob cake for the spongebob freak!

I made an Almond Butter cake and used a creamy butter icing (as per the recipes given in the class I went for).
Work In Progress~~
I spent a little more time on it than anyone else would but that's because it's my first cake and I wanted to get it right. I found a picture of the 'Yellow Fellow' online and I used it as a template.
I'm so proud of myself! I managed to make this cake all by myself and wasn't a huge disaster! At this time, I would like to thank Aunty Clara for teaching the ways of baking and decorating a cake:) THANK YOU!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back To Basics

We now have our very own bread maker! The bread tasted good (normal actually but somehow much better because it was a manner of speaking) I had so much fun. I kept checking the machine every 10 minutes and counting down the time to my first bite. We made normal white bread as a start. Once we manage to get that right, we'll move on to ma's walnut bread. After that it's sun-dried tomato bread. I'm so excited! Unfortunately, I still haven't started on my homework yet. How terrible of me! No worries, I'll make sure I get started tomorrow. No more delays. I really don't want to slog it out at the last minute. I need to get it done comfortably. I shall and I will!

Now I'd like to talk about the 'p.s' I wrote on my last post.
*Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc - After this, therefore because of this (I got it from "West Wing" the TV series). I realised that this applies to almost every situation in life. Not every situation, but almost. When we do something, there are of course consequences and those consequences happen because of what we did. Hence, Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc:)

*Hebrews 11:1 - Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I think we've all forgotten what Faith really is at some point in our lives. We forget, sometimes, that is the simplest things that have the most power. Faith is simple but it's not easy. We need to trust and believe before we can have faith and those two things aren't easy either. However, it's the wonder of the human race that we can still have Faith even in our darkest times. It will go missing at times but we'll never lose it completely.

*I have no comment on this because I believe it's true:) Haha!

Alrighty, I have no idea what else to say so that's all for now. Aloha!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Love, Sanity & Faith (or Lack of It)

So, on Saturday, we re-arranged the furniture in the hall. The junk is all out and things were moved here and there. The hall now looks much bigger and much less cluttered. I like it! We were thinking of re-painting the hall. I suggested different colours for each wall but that suggestion seems to have led to a discussion on my sanity:) Today, I waged war on my room! I was fighting from the crack of dawn (10am to be exact) till way after lunch time. This first battle ended with almost 75% of my room re-organised and cleaned. All that's left is the junk under my bed which I feel requires a whole day to itself. This battle may be won the war is still on. I have two weeks (13 days to be exact) to raise my flag in victory.

The rest of the day I spent catching up with Nadiah. We haven't seen each other in a while but when we met it was like we were never apart (I sound so romantic... haha!). Anyway, we had fun telling each other tales about our new school (UiTM Penang for Nad & LaSalle PJ for me) and our favourite subjects (Cooking for her & BM for me). She's really enjoying herself and I'm glad. I really missed having her around and I know that all too soon I'm going to have to say goodbye again but I'm not going to think about it just yet:)

Moving on, I'm pretty sure that my sense of timing and bad memory when paired together will hurt me one day. I accepted Nad's offer to break fast with her tomorrow but I forgot that the Tuesday that I planned to go out for dinner with my family is actually this Tuesday (tomorrow) which means I'm going to have to cancel with Nad. I feel terrible because this is the second time I've had to cancel with her and both times were my own fault. Of course, she understands but I just feel bad for doing it. I'll make it up to her:)

A few of things I just felt like posting:
*Post Hoc, Ergo Propter Hoc After this, therefore because of this
*Hebrews 11:1 Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
*I said to ma today, "I lost my sanity when I cut my hair" and she replied, "You need to have something to be able to lose it". My dear mother:)

Friday, September 3, 2010

14 Hour Day

Before I really start, I'd like to mention that today has been a really, really long day. We (ma and I) left the house at 6am and only reached home a little after 8pm.

T.G.I the last day of school!!!!!!! Two weeks off and even though I have homework (3 1/2 essays & 1 objective paper to be exact), I'm stoked! I've got it all planned out and this time, I have a feeling that things will go according to plan. Obviously, I'm going to stay up late today, just to mark the beginning of the holidays :)

Apart from being the last day of school before Raya, today I went to my first ever CSS meeting and English Lit class. I'll start of with CSS. They're a bunch of hyper catholic boys, in love with their religion and so completely stunned that there is a girl in their group. I'm not too sure but I think it's been a while since they've had a girl in CSS. Anyway, being the only girl, my dear mother's predictions came true when they unanimously decided to make me their new Secretary. I'm honoured of course and I'm happy with the way they welcomed me. They were of course shy, as was I, but I can see us all getting along quite well. I'm very excited for all the planning of activities to start. Many of them go to the same church and it's nice to have a little piece of it here in school too. It's like a connection between home life and school which I've never really had. They're good boys and I'm looking forward to the coming year.

On to Literature, of the English nature that is. We had our first official class today in one of the CERiA cabins. I have to say, out of all the classes I've ever attended in my entire life, this was the most exciting (BM ties with it for 1st place, though). We read through and analysed 3 poems by Hardy (just to begin with). It is still an intimidating subject to me but I feel that with the help of our teacher, we'll be able to make it through fairly well. The poems we covered today were the simpler ones and from what I gathered throughout the class, the teacher thinks we'll be able to understand the meanings quite easily. I'm having a great time. So far, the only glitch is in finding a proper venue to meet up. CERiA was fine when the classes were supposed to be on Saturdays but now that it's on a weekday, we'll need to source out another option. The last resort will of course be the teacher's office but I think somewhere else (maybe a park or a quite cafe) would be better and less imposing. She's already spending her time on us so let's try not to take her space as well. She really fun to study with and she's so obviously passionate about Literature that learning isn't so much learning as it is an experience with her.

Once Monday comes, I'm getting into my school mode to make sure I finish my homework as soon as possible. I know I've said that before and it didn't happen but this time, I'm all charged up and in the mood, which I'm sure will last through out the holidays. Right now, I'm in a mode where I can see myself doing all the things I want to do, experiencing and living the life I want to live. I can see those images so clearly in my head that I just know I'll be able to get there. That's why I know I'll be able to finish my homework fast and spend the holidays like I've always wanted too. ::) It's a powerful feeling. A 'sometimes-you-just-know' moment. This is it. I know it is!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Continuation of My Rambling on The M'sian Censorchip Board

There is another word and comment I'd like to add.

The word 'bust' from the song Bust A Move in Glee. Being a Gleek, I'd like to state that the censoring of this word really ruins the flow of the whole song. How can you completely enjoy Mr.Schuester's version of Young MC's Bust A Move complete with a dance number when the word 'bust' is completely left out? But then again, the word 'sex' was not cut from the song. Hmm, the logic seems to be missing here.

I'll keep updating everytime I hear another unworthy word censored. It's just so aggravating.

Introducing.... The Cast of L6E1

Well, after two weeks in my new school, I feel that it's time to tell you all a little more about it (more than the little notes I've been dropping in these last few posts, that is).

I'll start off with the environment. I quite enjoy it actually. It's much cooler here than it is back home mostly because there are trees everywhere I look. In the middle of the tarmac (that's what they call their assembly area which by the way is not paved with tar but with bricks! [I can sense Dinesh rolling his eyes at me:)]) there's a huge tree. It's beautiful, with long winding branches and a thick sturdy trunk. It must be year's old. Also, because it's such and old school. the buildings aren't very organised but that's part of the charm. There's even a staircase that leads right into the canteen. Awesome!

The teachers are OK too, I guess. They're like any other teacher only they're much more experienced than any I've met before. They're all quite old-fashioned and since it's primarily a boys school, the discipline is slightly stricter. There are areas in which discipline can be improved, but still, they're doing much better than my previous schools. I do feel that in my previous school, the discipline, especially for the girls, are set to a much higher standard. However, I suppose that since girls are pretty much the minority, a little license is allowed.

Now, we come to the students. As I've mentioned before, they're quite different. The two girls in my class who are taking English Lit with me are very nice. One I know a little more than the other because the latter has been absent for a while now but still, both are quite friendly. This one girl, Visa (pronounced Visha), is so in love with being a Ceylonese (I'm not complaining here. I'm commending her love!) and we talk a lot since neither of us is taking History. It's been fun getting to know her. She's not exactly like me but I can definitely relate to her. She's the one who got me acquainted with a lot of them at school and I'm forever grateful (THANK YOU!). Movin' on, I'd say that the most outstanding character there would be this guy called Dinesh. He's a ball to be around. He's part of KLPAC and is currently working on Twelfth Night
(showing at KLPAC from 16-19 September). He breaks out in song and does various impressions in class almost everyday. He's fairly outspoken and I can tell that I'm a mystery to him (being the weird one, I'm used to that.. haha!). He's trying to figure me out but he hasn't managed yet. This morning, I arrived at school like normal but Dinesh didn't see me. After the second period, he turned around, saw me at my desk and got a shock. He was wondering when I came into class. He didn't see me all through the first period even though everyone else did. I tried to convince him but he still thinks I slipped later. Blur la~~

Right, now that's done, I'm off to watch some TV. CHAO!