Sometimes I wonder; am I normal? are my thoughts that of a sane person? or do I just think too much?
Who am I? Who am I supposed to be or going to be? What was I supposed to do? Am I doing things right? Is he/she thinking what I think they're thinking? Did I just misinterpret that? Did I miss my chance? Will I ever...?
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I finally feel like typing so here I am. I do not feel like editing though, so I apologise about the lack of colour or any spelling errors that may or may not occur:)
Let's talk, or type, about guys. It seems to me that they're the one topic we, as in women, can never get enough of. On one hand, they dependable, caring, protective and funny. On the other, they're annoying, clueless and amazingly complex (but they don't know it). I'm going to start with the first set of assets. Dependable (some are), caring (most are), protective (they all are) and funny (to each his own). I find that most guys are dependable, if and when they choose to be. It may seem to us that they're more committed to their friends but I think that's only because we see what we want to. Girls are pretty needy even when they think they're not. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish but we sometimes put too much stress on them to spend time with us. We have to understand that they need some guy-time. They may not put it that way but that's exactly what it is. They like spending time with us but sometimes they just need to escape. We all need it from time to time. The thing about guys is that they care but they don't really show it. My brother is exactly the same way. Once, I drove late at night (which is unusual for me) to my best friends house to collect something. The last thing I expected was for my seemingly uncaring brother to call me, sounding all worried, asking me where I went at 12am. I was pleasantly surprised and a little annoyed at his tone (which was angry). He was trying to scold me for being late without revealing how worried he was. It's those things they do that we forget. Sometime, we get upset at them when it's not even their fault. We, women, have to start understanding ourselves. We have to start learning the difference between being angry at the situation or being angry at the person.
However, as sweet as they are, guys are most of the time a lot to deal with. They can be so clueless. Sometimes, they genuinely blur and we'll have to explain things one step at a time. Other times, they use our assumption of how blur they are to cover up mistakes or escape from actual thinking. They think we're complex? I have news for you. They worse! They have the same syndrome as girls. "If you don't know whats bothering me then I'm not saying". That's one really dumb and costly syndrome to have. How is anyone supposed to know what's bothering someone else if they don't say anything? We're supposed to mind-read, is it? Girls do it to guys and unfortunately, guys have started doing it to girls too. The only difference is, we girls can't keep shut and we end up telling them whats wrong. Guys, however, would rather not tell but then get upset all over again when the same thing happens. If you don't want history to repeat itself, let the other person know! So then, if he/she repeats then mistake, they'll know it. As opposed to them repeating the mistake and being completely clueless as to whats making you all taciturn. They like to think that they're the simple folk but that statement right there just proved that guys are as complex as girls! Sometimes, I just wish I could sit them (guys) down one by one and explain to them exactly what they need to know. 'Why is that person angry?', 'why did she say that?' or 'why is she crying?'. I feel like shaking some sense into them. I'm sure guys sometimes feel the same way about us.
The same goes for girls. I think the two sexes just need a dash more patience to understand their counterparts. It take effort on both sides but its for the greater good, no?!
How's that as 'food for thought'?
Let's talk, or type, about guys. It seems to me that they're the one topic we, as in women, can never get enough of. On one hand, they dependable, caring, protective and funny. On the other, they're annoying, clueless and amazingly complex (but they don't know it). I'm going to start with the first set of assets. Dependable (some are), caring (most are), protective (they all are) and funny (to each his own). I find that most guys are dependable, if and when they choose to be. It may seem to us that they're more committed to their friends but I think that's only because we see what we want to. Girls are pretty needy even when they think they're not. There's nothing wrong with being a little selfish but we sometimes put too much stress on them to spend time with us. We have to understand that they need some guy-time. They may not put it that way but that's exactly what it is. They like spending time with us but sometimes they just need to escape. We all need it from time to time. The thing about guys is that they care but they don't really show it. My brother is exactly the same way. Once, I drove late at night (which is unusual for me) to my best friends house to collect something. The last thing I expected was for my seemingly uncaring brother to call me, sounding all worried, asking me where I went at 12am. I was pleasantly surprised and a little annoyed at his tone (which was angry). He was trying to scold me for being late without revealing how worried he was. It's those things they do that we forget. Sometime, we get upset at them when it's not even their fault. We, women, have to start understanding ourselves. We have to start learning the difference between being angry at the situation or being angry at the person.
However, as sweet as they are, guys are most of the time a lot to deal with. They can be so clueless. Sometimes, they genuinely blur and we'll have to explain things one step at a time. Other times, they use our assumption of how blur they are to cover up mistakes or escape from actual thinking. They think we're complex? I have news for you. They worse! They have the same syndrome as girls. "If you don't know whats bothering me then I'm not saying". That's one really dumb and costly syndrome to have. How is anyone supposed to know what's bothering someone else if they don't say anything? We're supposed to mind-read, is it? Girls do it to guys and unfortunately, guys have started doing it to girls too. The only difference is, we girls can't keep shut and we end up telling them whats wrong. Guys, however, would rather not tell but then get upset all over again when the same thing happens. If you don't want history to repeat itself, let the other person know! So then, if he/she repeats then mistake, they'll know it. As opposed to them repeating the mistake and being completely clueless as to whats making you all taciturn. They like to think that they're the simple folk but that statement right there just proved that guys are as complex as girls! Sometimes, I just wish I could sit them (guys) down one by one and explain to them exactly what they need to know. 'Why is that person angry?', 'why did she say that?' or 'why is she crying?'. I feel like shaking some sense into them. I'm sure guys sometimes feel the same way about us.
The same goes for girls. I think the two sexes just need a dash more patience to understand their counterparts. It take effort on both sides but its for the greater good, no?!
How's that as 'food for thought'?
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas is here guys! Another year, another round. But this year, it's a whole different ball game. This is the first year I'm working during the holidays. Last night, I had the closing shift. It was packed! Luckily for us, Boss was constantly at the door to keep the crowd under control for us since we're all pretty small. The waiting list was about 3 pages long! I had a lot of fun. There was, of course, some drama but nothing too major. The SPG's didn't even crack with Boss being there the whole night. By the time it was 9pm, Boss was leaning against the wall. Our last call was at 12am. I had lots of fun and I'm glad I was there to wish them all face to face. Even our RM wasn't being as annoying as usual (must be Christmas gift). I'm off today and tomorrow (the only one off today!). So, I'll be back there in two days but I'll only get to see Boss again in four days because he's of on the 27th and 28th. Four days without him, how am I going to make it?! He's such a nice man to work for. I'll really miss him and Chris and Amy when I go back to school. Hopefully they'll still be here after I finish my STPM. If they get transferred, I'll go where they go! :)
It's been really exhausting, working through the holidays. I still haven't made any Christmas cookies yet! And We only just finished cleaning the house yesterday. It's fun, the whole adrenaline rush thing, trying to get everything done for Christmas, but it's just really tiring. I gave JuneBug her gift and she loved it (yay!). This Christmas is a crazy one, and it's still on going.
Right now, I'm too lazy to even type. So, I'm off to stare at the ceiling!
It's been really exhausting, working through the holidays. I still haven't made any Christmas cookies yet! And We only just finished cleaning the house yesterday. It's fun, the whole adrenaline rush thing, trying to get everything done for Christmas, but it's just really tiring. I gave JuneBug her gift and she loved it (yay!). This Christmas is a crazy one, and it's still on going.
Right now, I'm too lazy to even type. So, I'm off to stare at the ceiling!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Oh December!
Hey BlogWorld, I'm back after 11 whole days! And what and amazing 11 days it was.
Let's start off with Ma's birthday. It didn't go as planned (I should be getting used to this by now) but it went great. Bro got transferred on that day itself to Curve and everyone was more than a little stressed. Dinner was cancelled and things weren't looking too good. I was off on that day so I made ma a Smiley Cake.
It took me the whole day because I made it two layered with chocolate frosting in the center and butter icing on top. I steamed a fish for ma and me for dinner. Aunty Lucy came over as did Aunty Pat and Daniel and Nadiah. When ma came home, we sang her a birthday song! Bro even managed to come home early. So then, Aunty Pat and Nad went home and the rest of us went out for dinner. The fish went in the fridge:)
From the 9th till the 12th, I was kept busy helping ma with her CERiA stuff. They had a symposium, 'The Lancet Series Symposium: HIV In Drug Users' (9th & 10th) followed by a two day WHO-UNAIDS Consultation Meeting (11th & 12th). The symposium was truly enlightening. I learned a lot from all the speakers I heard. After those two days in the symposium, I definitely understand the need for research and policy change when it comes to battling stigma and the disease itself. Mostly, I just drove ma around to where ever she needed to go, including KLHilton->UM, UM->KLHilton, UM->PJHilton, vice versa and KLHilton->PJHilton. We were all so tired but just kept going. We were running on adrenaline those four days. The consultation wasn't really as taxing as the symposium but I still had a fair share of driving around to do. We had to transfer about 19 people's baggage from PJ to KL, get them checked in the new hotel and place each bag in the right room. It took us four hours to figure things out. Lucky for us everyone else was busy with the symposium. By the time they arrived, everything was settled and we headed to KLCC for dinner. We had a Chinese-style dinner with 8 courses. The food was, of course, delicious. However, the portions were to small for me. I was still hungry at the end. My favourite course was the Prawns with Oats. It was the bomb! High cholesterol prawns coated with healthy oats and then deep fried to gives us the ultimate, most delicious unhealthy course ever! I'd eat that again and again if I could.
Because we were helping out with the two events, we got to stay in KL Hilton for 2 nights and then PJ Hilton for another 3 nights. It was awesome! KL Hilton was of course more expensive and a lot more modern. They had a plasma TV in the room and a bathtub and shower. the Bathroom was beautiful. PJ Hilton was great too. Although not as expensive or modern as KL Hilton, I still preferred this one. It more my type. Homey and cozy as apposed to modern and sleek.
Anyway, after the 12th, I went back to my usual days but I was still exhausted. Work has been wonderful with he exception of June's absence. I really miss her. I haven't seen for more then a week now. Christmas is looming and there's a lot more things to be done.
I have a lot more to say but this is all, for now. I didn't have access to a computer last weekend so I stored everything in my brain and I'm in the process of transferring it to paper before I lose it all. I'll be sure to update my blog more often!
Let's start off with Ma's birthday. It didn't go as planned (I should be getting used to this by now) but it went great. Bro got transferred on that day itself to Curve and everyone was more than a little stressed. Dinner was cancelled and things weren't looking too good. I was off on that day so I made ma a Smiley Cake.
It took me the whole day because I made it two layered with chocolate frosting in the center and butter icing on top. I steamed a fish for ma and me for dinner. Aunty Lucy came over as did Aunty Pat and Daniel and Nadiah. When ma came home, we sang her a birthday song! Bro even managed to come home early. So then, Aunty Pat and Nad went home and the rest of us went out for dinner. The fish went in the fridge:)
From the 9th till the 12th, I was kept busy helping ma with her CERiA stuff. They had a symposium, 'The Lancet Series Symposium: HIV In Drug Users' (9th & 10th) followed by a two day WHO-UNAIDS Consultation Meeting (11th & 12th). The symposium was truly enlightening. I learned a lot from all the speakers I heard. After those two days in the symposium, I definitely understand the need for research and policy change when it comes to battling stigma and the disease itself. Mostly, I just drove ma around to where ever she needed to go, including KLHilton->UM, UM->KLHilton, UM->PJHilton, vice versa and KLHilton->PJHilton. We were all so tired but just kept going. We were running on adrenaline those four days. The consultation wasn't really as taxing as the symposium but I still had a fair share of driving around to do. We had to transfer about 19 people's baggage from PJ to KL, get them checked in the new hotel and place each bag in the right room. It took us four hours to figure things out. Lucky for us everyone else was busy with the symposium. By the time they arrived, everything was settled and we headed to KLCC for dinner. We had a Chinese-style dinner with 8 courses. The food was, of course, delicious. However, the portions were to small for me. I was still hungry at the end. My favourite course was the Prawns with Oats. It was the bomb! High cholesterol prawns coated with healthy oats and then deep fried to gives us the ultimate, most delicious unhealthy course ever! I'd eat that again and again if I could.
Because we were helping out with the two events, we got to stay in KL Hilton for 2 nights and then PJ Hilton for another 3 nights. It was awesome! KL Hilton was of course more expensive and a lot more modern. They had a plasma TV in the room and a bathtub and shower. the Bathroom was beautiful. PJ Hilton was great too. Although not as expensive or modern as KL Hilton, I still preferred this one. It more my type. Homey and cozy as apposed to modern and sleek.
Anyway, after the 12th, I went back to my usual days but I was still exhausted. Work has been wonderful with he exception of June's absence. I really miss her. I haven't seen for more then a week now. Christmas is looming and there's a lot more things to be done.
I have a lot more to say but this is all, for now. I didn't have access to a computer last weekend so I stored everything in my brain and I'm in the process of transferring it to paper before I lose it all. I'll be sure to update my blog more often!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Human Nature Can Sometimes Be Nauseating
Let's start with human nature. As I've said before (or have I?), it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round. However, certain types of people, in my humble and angered opinion, do not deserve to be part of this world. We are all part of this world, made by God to live in it, to grow, evolve and cherish everything in and around it. But some beings, sentient beings, with brains and the works, must have missed that part of humanity class. A couple of days ago I saw a cat. This particular cat is a regular part of our daily lives. It sleeps under the big crate in our veranda, it's dining table is our back alley and it is even historically connected to this house. It's mother was the cat that used to climb in stealthily through the windows at night, sleep in the hall and climb back out before any of us wake up.So let me ask you this, how could any normal human being do such a terrible thing to an innocent animal who is trying to survive just as we are. When I was outside, I saw that the right eye if the cat was blood red and pooping out (not hanging out just popping out as big as a marble form its sockets). The fur around its head and front body was wet and it was purring sadly. Some one had poured hot water on the cat. This cat who has done nothing but eat the scraps of the road behind our house, the cat who keeps the children occupied while you cook, the cat that has no fleas and such an adorable face, the cat who has harmed you in no way has suffered in you hands for absolutely no reason. I fail to see the logic in that. I understand that some people detest the feline presence but pouring scalding hot water over them to chase them away is not right. The most you should do is wave a broom at them and keep your door shut. How would you feel if I poured hot water on you when you come to visit me?
This cat has a life, just like you and I. We define 'surviving' as having financial stability, emotional stability, a happy family, a steady career and so on. Well, for an animal, 'surviving' means finding enough scraps to eat, finding shelter when it rains, reproducing to ensure the survival of their species. Their plight may seem as insignificant to us adults as a child's plight to colour in the lines. But it is not. Can you remember, that as a child, the most important thing in the world wasn't paying the loans on time or getting food for the kids, it was making sure we coloured in the lines and our teddy bears were well protected against any night time monsters? As a child, those were the biggest problems we faced. Not important to an adult but very much important to a child. Paying your share of the class funds was just as a big a commitment to a teen as paying the car loan is to an adult. Do you get me by now? What I'm trying to say is, every living creature be it human or animal is trying to survive in different ways that are important to each in a different way and it is our responsibility to help each other. Cruelty to animal has to stop. When will we realise that animals are alive too. They each have a central nervous system just like any human being and therefore are able to feel pain, as real to any human being.
I'm not saying I'm perfect. Far from it. I can't be a vegetarian even if wanted to. I like to eat meat and I haven't been able to explain my unusually strong feelings against animal cruelty and yet still be able to consume meat. I haven't worked that out yet but I do know this; Cruelty towards animals is just as bad as cruelty towards human beings. It has to stop.
Moving on from depressing matters, I have exciting news.Today, on the way to work, I was stopped by a policeman. Just as I turned into the highway, a police cruiser signalled me to stop by the side of the road. At first I panicked. What had I done wrong? I was within the speed limit, I had my seat belt on, I wasn't drinking, eating, or on the phone while driving. So what was it? I sat there listening to my heart beat a violent tattoo against my chest while the police officer got down form his car and headed towards mine. I rolled down the window and gave him a small, nervous smile. Has asked to see my licence and ID which I handed to him with fumbling hands. He crossed checked it, made sure the road tax was still valid and then said, "You look really small to be driving". I could have laughed out loud! So then, my nervous smile became calm and I released a sigh of relief. He asked where I was headed and I told him I was on my way to work. Then he repeated that I looked too small to be driving as he handed my back my licence and ID. He let me go and I drove of towards the 'Sun' thinking; 'Finally!'.
Ever since I obtained my driver's licence, I was hoping a policeman would stop me so I could show off that, according to Malaysian law, I am not only old enough but also competent enough to be a driver. One dream came true today!
Oh and, even after our little shopping spree on Saturday, I still want to buy more things!
This cat has a life, just like you and I. We define 'surviving' as having financial stability, emotional stability, a happy family, a steady career and so on. Well, for an animal, 'surviving' means finding enough scraps to eat, finding shelter when it rains, reproducing to ensure the survival of their species. Their plight may seem as insignificant to us adults as a child's plight to colour in the lines. But it is not. Can you remember, that as a child, the most important thing in the world wasn't paying the loans on time or getting food for the kids, it was making sure we coloured in the lines and our teddy bears were well protected against any night time monsters? As a child, those were the biggest problems we faced. Not important to an adult but very much important to a child. Paying your share of the class funds was just as a big a commitment to a teen as paying the car loan is to an adult. Do you get me by now? What I'm trying to say is, every living creature be it human or animal is trying to survive in different ways that are important to each in a different way and it is our responsibility to help each other. Cruelty to animal has to stop. When will we realise that animals are alive too. They each have a central nervous system just like any human being and therefore are able to feel pain, as real to any human being.
I'm not saying I'm perfect. Far from it. I can't be a vegetarian even if wanted to. I like to eat meat and I haven't been able to explain my unusually strong feelings against animal cruelty and yet still be able to consume meat. I haven't worked that out yet but I do know this; Cruelty towards animals is just as bad as cruelty towards human beings. It has to stop.
Moving on from depressing matters, I have exciting news.Today, on the way to work, I was stopped by a policeman. Just as I turned into the highway, a police cruiser signalled me to stop by the side of the road. At first I panicked. What had I done wrong? I was within the speed limit, I had my seat belt on, I wasn't drinking, eating, or on the phone while driving. So what was it? I sat there listening to my heart beat a violent tattoo against my chest while the police officer got down form his car and headed towards mine. I rolled down the window and gave him a small, nervous smile. Has asked to see my licence and ID which I handed to him with fumbling hands. He crossed checked it, made sure the road tax was still valid and then said, "You look really small to be driving". I could have laughed out loud! So then, my nervous smile became calm and I released a sigh of relief. He asked where I was headed and I told him I was on my way to work. Then he repeated that I looked too small to be driving as he handed my back my licence and ID. He let me go and I drove of towards the 'Sun' thinking; 'Finally!'.
Ever since I obtained my driver's licence, I was hoping a policeman would stop me so I could show off that, according to Malaysian law, I am not only old enough but also competent enough to be a driver. One dream came true today!
Oh and, even after our little shopping spree on Saturday, I still want to buy more things!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Lost And Now, Found
I've been away for a while. I've just been to lazy to write anything out lately mostly because my brain is travelling unusually fast these days. My fingers just can't keep up. Even now, I'm struggling to remember what ever it is I wanted to blog about. There's just so many things swimming in this brain of mine!
OK, let's see. Visha's Birthday party. It was great. We ate at the Frames in Sunway. The food was great (the portions were a bit small for my liking but taste-wise is was awesome). Then we cut the cake and everyone there fed Visha some cake. By the time all of us were done feeding her, she was fed up of cake. Anyway, a lot of people left after the whole cake thing and toast. So then, when there were only about 5 or 6 of us left, we played 'Truth or Dare'. It was fun. We made Beng Hua dance in the middle of the restaurant and Dinesh had to give a cupcake to a small, uninterested girl . Then I had to dance too. I did a little Saturday Night Fever thing which didn't actually work out:) A couple from the table across the room got up and danced a bit too! It was a fun night, for sure.
What else? Hmm, work has been OK. I miss June, though. She started University and the SPG stand has never been more boring. No one seems to be able to take her place. Three of them are new to me and Aqil isn't exactly always there. Sometimes I think he's just being lazy. He rarely seats guests and more often than not, he's everywhere but the door. There's no way he can take June's place but I thought he'd at least be there with me. I guess not. The new managers are pretty fun. The current GM reminds me a little of Adrian (I miss Adrian!) and everyone else seems alright. I haven't seen much of Amy but I'm sure I will in the coming days. I just miss the old Friday's. Before things changed. It's amazing how much can happen in the span of 6 months. People move on, change and get married and have a baby. If you had told me 6 months ago that things would have changed this much, I'd laugh and think you're crazy. I guess I'm the crazy one for thinking that anything could stay the same for long. However, there are a few calming constants. Ramesh, Sanjiv and Amy.
Oh well, what next? Oh yeah! CHRISTMAS is here! Advent starts this weekend and everyone is getting into the spirit of things. Friday's is getting decked out and the house is going to be too. A whole year has passed by. Incredible. This is going to sound contradictory but; 1) it's been a long year and 2) it's amazing how fast the whole year sailed by. I can't wait for next year. I'll finally be able to remove the "P" sticker from the car and I'm turning 19 in February. My last year as a teenager!
OK, let's see. Visha's Birthday party. It was great. We ate at the Frames in Sunway. The food was great (the portions were a bit small for my liking but taste-wise is was awesome). Then we cut the cake and everyone there fed Visha some cake. By the time all of us were done feeding her, she was fed up of cake. Anyway, a lot of people left after the whole cake thing and toast. So then, when there were only about 5 or 6 of us left, we played 'Truth or Dare'. It was fun. We made Beng Hua dance in the middle of the restaurant and Dinesh had to give a cupcake to a small, uninterested girl . Then I had to dance too. I did a little Saturday Night Fever thing which didn't actually work out:) A couple from the table across the room got up and danced a bit too! It was a fun night, for sure.
What else? Hmm, work has been OK. I miss June, though. She started University and the SPG stand has never been more boring. No one seems to be able to take her place. Three of them are new to me and Aqil isn't exactly always there. Sometimes I think he's just being lazy. He rarely seats guests and more often than not, he's everywhere but the door. There's no way he can take June's place but I thought he'd at least be there with me. I guess not. The new managers are pretty fun. The current GM reminds me a little of Adrian (I miss Adrian!) and everyone else seems alright. I haven't seen much of Amy but I'm sure I will in the coming days. I just miss the old Friday's. Before things changed. It's amazing how much can happen in the span of 6 months. People move on, change and get married and have a baby. If you had told me 6 months ago that things would have changed this much, I'd laugh and think you're crazy. I guess I'm the crazy one for thinking that anything could stay the same for long. However, there are a few calming constants. Ramesh, Sanjiv and Amy.
Oh well, what next? Oh yeah! CHRISTMAS is here! Advent starts this weekend and everyone is getting into the spirit of things. Friday's is getting decked out and the house is going to be too. A whole year has passed by. Incredible. This is going to sound contradictory but; 1) it's been a long year and 2) it's amazing how fast the whole year sailed by. I can't wait for next year. I'll finally be able to remove the "P" sticker from the car and I'm turning 19 in February. My last year as a teenager!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Great Things To Me...
So, I finally got a sewing machine!~ Aunty Jula gave me hers. She hasn't been using it for a while so she passed it on to me. It's exactly the type that I wanted. The old, black sewing machine with gold and silver patterns attached to a wooden table and works with a pulley system. I can just feel my collection of old things starting up. I'm an old soul. I certainly love technology and all its perks but mostly, the olden days are more my type. Very raw and some might even say primitive. To me, old things are just beautiful, full of history and completely irreplaceable. This sewing machine is a first dream come true. The belt might need to be changed before I'm able to use it properly but it's so worth it. I need to get it checked and fixed soon. I just cant wait to sew! I'm stoked. Once I get the belt done, I'm going to learn some elementary sewing techniques. Simple things like attaching a zip or removing sleeves are, at the moment, totally beyond my abilities. Not for long though, not for long.
Another great thing is that the holidays are finally here! I'm starting work on Wednesday and I'm am thrilled. However, June's absence sort of dampens my spirit but I am determined to make it as awesome as I remember. I've never worked with Aqil at the stand or my brother in the bar so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Things will be different for sure, what with so many new faces but somehow same as ever:) I hope I can still remember my training. It's been quite a while.
Another great thing is that the holidays are finally here! I'm starting work on Wednesday and I'm am thrilled. However, June's absence sort of dampens my spirit but I am determined to make it as awesome as I remember. I've never worked with Aqil at the stand or my brother in the bar so I'm definitely looking forward to it. Things will be different for sure, what with so many new faces but somehow same as ever:) I hope I can still remember my training. It's been quite a while.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Little Kathy and The BigBadWolf
The BigBadWolf's BigBadSale was spectacular!
Not only was it well-organised, but the staff were super-friendly and the environment was comfortable. No sweating and pushing around or getting bumped into at all! Between us, we bought around 35-40 book and only paid RM439. If you're an avid reader in Malaysia, you'd know that the price was amazing. If I went to any other book store, RM439 will only get me around 12 books. As soon as you walk in, the whole layout becomes clear. It just a huge square area divided very expertly into different sections: fiction, non-fiction, children's books, magazines. Each individual sections are then organised and sorted out according to genre and authors. There were rows and rows of books and stacks of novels that cost so cheap with people looking through politely so as not to disrupt anyone around them.
It felt, to me, like a shopping spree. A true shopping spree where I didn't have to worry about price or debate whether the item was worth the money or if it'll serve me more than once. I just saw a book, evaluated it, and decided. If it was 'No', the book goes back neatly onto the pile it came from. A 'Yes' and I'd keep it with me until I deposited it into the huge cardboard box we commissioned as our own. I spent so much time going trough the fiction section that I didn't even look at anything else. If we stayed longer, I would have gone through the non-fiction section and grabbed more then a couple recipe and craft books. Not to mention magazines and some childhood favourites. I got myself around 15 books, guaranteed to last me the whole holidays, and more. I managed to get Inkheart and Inkspell. Also, the Princess Diaries Collection (not the whole thing though because they didn't have it. I still have a few more to collect), The Time Traveller's Wife, The Way Things Look To Me and some others. The sale was worth every cent.
There were some people who were obviously professionals when it came to this sale. They came prepared with trolley bags & plastic bag carries. Some bought 3 or 4 books. Others hauled 2-3 boxes of books. When we were queuing up, on my right was a group of about 5 ladies. Between them, they had 3 huge boxes overflowing with books and about 5 gigantic recyclable bags (like the big Jusco ones) jam packed with more books. They probably bought close to 200 books. I think they're starting a home library or something. On my left, however, was a lady with a trolley bag full to the brim with books. While everyone around her was struggling to drag their loot to the cashier, she coolly pulled her haul via the handle on the bag. I think I'll adopt that tactic for the next sale.
The only sad part was that I didn't get any of the books that were on my list. I should have expected that though. It's really hard to get the books you want in mega book sales. Popular series and such are easy but not the single, small time books. No worries though, because next year, I'll start hunting down the tiles on my list. You'll notice that I said 'next year'. That's because I've spent so much on books this year, more than the last 5 years combined, so I'm going to have to stay away from bookstores for a while.
Now all that's left is to clear my room. I need to completely spring clean it. Every inch needs to be reorganised so I can fit in all my new books. The books shelf is already full but with some creative arranging, I'm sure everything will be fine. Now,I'm off to dream up a layout for my room. I'm bored with the current furniture arrangement so a change in decor is in order.
Not only was it well-organised, but the staff were super-friendly and the environment was comfortable. No sweating and pushing around or getting bumped into at all! Between us, we bought around 35-40 book and only paid RM439. If you're an avid reader in Malaysia, you'd know that the price was amazing. If I went to any other book store, RM439 will only get me around 12 books. As soon as you walk in, the whole layout becomes clear. It just a huge square area divided very expertly into different sections: fiction, non-fiction, children's books, magazines. Each individual sections are then organised and sorted out according to genre and authors. There were rows and rows of books and stacks of novels that cost so cheap with people looking through politely so as not to disrupt anyone around them.
It felt, to me, like a shopping spree. A true shopping spree where I didn't have to worry about price or debate whether the item was worth the money or if it'll serve me more than once. I just saw a book, evaluated it, and decided. If it was 'No', the book goes back neatly onto the pile it came from. A 'Yes' and I'd keep it with me until I deposited it into the huge cardboard box we commissioned as our own. I spent so much time going trough the fiction section that I didn't even look at anything else. If we stayed longer, I would have gone through the non-fiction section and grabbed more then a couple recipe and craft books. Not to mention magazines and some childhood favourites. I got myself around 15 books, guaranteed to last me the whole holidays, and more. I managed to get Inkheart and Inkspell. Also, the Princess Diaries Collection (not the whole thing though because they didn't have it. I still have a few more to collect), The Time Traveller's Wife, The Way Things Look To Me and some others. The sale was worth every cent.
There were some people who were obviously professionals when it came to this sale. They came prepared with trolley bags & plastic bag carries. Some bought 3 or 4 books. Others hauled 2-3 boxes of books. When we were queuing up, on my right was a group of about 5 ladies. Between them, they had 3 huge boxes overflowing with books and about 5 gigantic recyclable bags (like the big Jusco ones) jam packed with more books. They probably bought close to 200 books. I think they're starting a home library or something. On my left, however, was a lady with a trolley bag full to the brim with books. While everyone around her was struggling to drag their loot to the cashier, she coolly pulled her haul via the handle on the bag. I think I'll adopt that tactic for the next sale.
The only sad part was that I didn't get any of the books that were on my list. I should have expected that though. It's really hard to get the books you want in mega book sales. Popular series and such are easy but not the single, small time books. No worries though, because next year, I'll start hunting down the tiles on my list. You'll notice that I said 'next year'. That's because I've spent so much on books this year, more than the last 5 years combined, so I'm going to have to stay away from bookstores for a while.
Now all that's left is to clear my room. I need to completely spring clean it. Every inch needs to be reorganised so I can fit in all my new books. The books shelf is already full but with some creative arranging, I'm sure everything will be fine. Now,I'm off to dream up a layout for my room. I'm bored with the current furniture arrangement so a change in decor is in order.
Monday, November 8, 2010
He's baaaack!
Yay! My dear brother is home for good!!!!! (for now, but let's stick to the present ok?)
Need I say more!~
Need I say more!~
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Holiday Forecast: Bright With a Chance of Insanity
Ok, so I didn't exactly comment on my following days of exams. I have a good reason though. I was too busy reading! But more on that later. The exams went fine. English Literature wasn't too bad but not too good either. Every other subject went fairly well. Now, I have the rest of the week off for Deepavali which is this Friday. After that, one more week of school and then, about 2 months of... we'll see. It could be utter boredom with nothing whatsoever to do, stuck inside my own head or working. Boredom, I think, is inevitable. So we'll skip trying to plot against it. Same goes for being stuck in my own head. That leaves me with the option of working. I want to but I'm not so sure. I certainly do miss working there but so much has changed. I don't know if I want to alter my memories of working there. Holidays at home doesn't sound to bad anyway. Apart from total boredom and complete immersion in my own head, I still have my books and the wonders of modern technology (namely, television and the Internet) to keep me occupied. I've also been a little energetic about cooking. I've got scores of dishes in my head that I want to try. Maybe I should just stay home and make them? Though choice. We'll see how it goes.
Yesterday, we (Mina, Visha, Dinesh, Bengs and myself) went to Lookout Point for a little post-exam celebration. We got a little lost on the way but with the help of a nice young lady in a Kancil, we made it. We had lot of fun on the way, singing along very loudly to Lady Gaga (except Bengs, who just smiled and laughed a lot at out insanity). Going up was the fun part. We saw the whole city from up there. Lights everywhere and cars on the road. The food was great too. We sat and watched time pass by. It was very relaxing. Calming, too. I just couldn't help but feel small and insignificant looking at the whole city down there. It was mesmerising and kind of hypnotic. I would have stayed there the whole time if not for the others who wanted to take lots and lots of photos. (No offence to them though, I enjoyed the photo shoot as much as they did, I just wanted to watch the lights too). I guess that even though I may be loud when I'm with them, I like to sit in the quiet just as much. My outlet, you could say.
Moving on, my current literary adventure is non other than Artemis Fowl himself. I read the first 3 books in the series back when I was in Form 4. Now, I've caught up with the rest in the series and am waiting to get my hands on the next book. Artemis Fowl is a teenage genius who finds a whole new world, underground that is. A world of fairies and magic. His pure genius combined with the technological advances of the People(Fairy People, that is), his personal bodyguard named Butler, and a certain elfin captain help save both their races and more from annihilation more then once. His whole adventure will be too long to write out here so I'll say this; it's spectacular. I was at first flummoxed as to why I was so interested in this book. It was fantasy and reality packed into one and filled with so-called human misconceptions regarding the whimsical, so obviously I was drawn. The main reason, however, is the fact that these books keep me so tightly locked that I am immersed from the moment I set eyes on the first sentence. Each page is jammed pack with adjectives and descriptions of everything. My brain is constantly on edge trying to process each information and come up with proper imagery to follow the words on the book. It reminds me a lot of the Harry Potter Saga. Eoin Colfer's writing style is different, in my opinion, to that of J.K Rowling's but they both seem to highly relish the use of adjectives and descriptive sentences. They use imagery to thrust the readers into another world and both do so quite splendidly with their respective styles. These kinds of books keep me hooked till the last page. Nothing is predictable. It's filled with so many things that I can reread it a dozen times before actually getting bored. Also, I suspect that the two Sidney Sheldon books I read before this had me wanting a less darker place to put my mind in. Artemis Fowl seemed like the best option.
Bad news though. I've read all 6 books now. Finished it even before the long holidays started and before the Deepavali holidays even ended. I'm definitely reading it again, no doubt about it. BookXcess doesn't have the latest book, The Atlantis Complex, but I don't mind waiting until they do. There are other book and hobbies to pursue. Speaking of BookXcess, I went there with RM50 and left with RM1 and four books which would have cost RM35 each in any other book store. Oh, how I love them!
Yesterday, we (Mina, Visha, Dinesh, Bengs and myself) went to Lookout Point for a little post-exam celebration. We got a little lost on the way but with the help of a nice young lady in a Kancil, we made it. We had lot of fun on the way, singing along very loudly to Lady Gaga (except Bengs, who just smiled and laughed a lot at out insanity). Going up was the fun part. We saw the whole city from up there. Lights everywhere and cars on the road. The food was great too. We sat and watched time pass by. It was very relaxing. Calming, too. I just couldn't help but feel small and insignificant looking at the whole city down there. It was mesmerising and kind of hypnotic. I would have stayed there the whole time if not for the others who wanted to take lots and lots of photos. (No offence to them though, I enjoyed the photo shoot as much as they did, I just wanted to watch the lights too). I guess that even though I may be loud when I'm with them, I like to sit in the quiet just as much. My outlet, you could say.
Moving on, my current literary adventure is non other than Artemis Fowl himself. I read the first 3 books in the series back when I was in Form 4. Now, I've caught up with the rest in the series and am waiting to get my hands on the next book. Artemis Fowl is a teenage genius who finds a whole new world, underground that is. A world of fairies and magic. His pure genius combined with the technological advances of the People(Fairy People, that is), his personal bodyguard named Butler, and a certain elfin captain help save both their races and more from annihilation more then once. His whole adventure will be too long to write out here so I'll say this; it's spectacular. I was at first flummoxed as to why I was so interested in this book. It was fantasy and reality packed into one and filled with so-called human misconceptions regarding the whimsical, so obviously I was drawn. The main reason, however, is the fact that these books keep me so tightly locked that I am immersed from the moment I set eyes on the first sentence. Each page is jammed pack with adjectives and descriptions of everything. My brain is constantly on edge trying to process each information and come up with proper imagery to follow the words on the book. It reminds me a lot of the Harry Potter Saga. Eoin Colfer's writing style is different, in my opinion, to that of J.K Rowling's but they both seem to highly relish the use of adjectives and descriptive sentences. They use imagery to thrust the readers into another world and both do so quite splendidly with their respective styles. These kinds of books keep me hooked till the last page. Nothing is predictable. It's filled with so many things that I can reread it a dozen times before actually getting bored. Also, I suspect that the two Sidney Sheldon books I read before this had me wanting a less darker place to put my mind in. Artemis Fowl seemed like the best option.
Bad news though. I've read all 6 books now. Finished it even before the long holidays started and before the Deepavali holidays even ended. I'm definitely reading it again, no doubt about it. BookXcess doesn't have the latest book, The Atlantis Complex, but I don't mind waiting until they do. There are other book and hobbies to pursue. Speaking of BookXcess, I went there with RM50 and left with RM1 and four books which would have cost RM35 each in any other book store. Oh, how I love them!
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Colours in Black and White
Second day of exams. Just as boring as I had expected, even more actually. I slept as soon as I entered class. After that, I heard some people having fun at the back of the class so I decided to join them. They were playing the number game. Pretty childish but immensely fun. Here's how the game goes:
Every has to use only one hand to show any number (holding up one finger or three, whatever they like). Before that, each person will have to choose a number, any number but not exceeding the possible amount (If there are three people playing, the maximum is 15, assuming everyone has 5 fingers on each hand). Then we start. On the count of three, everyone has to show a number. Add it up and if the amount matches someones number choice, they're out. Then the game is repeated with everyone choosing a different set of numbers because the maximum has just been decreased. The last one left gets a punishment. So essentially, you need to escape as soon as possible.
It sounds so complicated when I read it but its actually quite easy to understand. We played a few round of this (I didn't lose, thankfully!) before moving on to some other childhood game. We had lots of fun and made lots of noise. We played till the last minute before the exams was about to start.
This doesn't sounds as boring as I mentioned earlier but to be honest, this was the highlight of the day. Once MUET 3 started, the day went sour again. I finished my paper in less than 45 minutes which left me with about 45 more minutes of absolutely nothing to do. I would have slept but I couldn't. So instead, I redecorated my question paper. Luckily, I took out my colour pencils before starting so I had something to do. I added lots of colour and life to my otherwise boring sheet of black and white question paper. Everyone probably thought I was mad.
After the exams, we had something to eat and then started with the next paper, MUET 4, which is a writing paper. I was excited (obviously because I love writing!). I managed to write exactly 200 words (which is the limit) for question 1 in about 20 minutes. An incredible feat if you ask me. When I started on question 2, it seemed like everyone was still engrossed in the first. Admittedly, that boosted my ego and inflated my head a little. The next essay wasn't too bad but I think it was a little unorganised on my part. I was on the verge of rambling and try as I may to conceal that, it probably shone through strongly. To be frank, I'm more of the fictional or narrative writer. Factually essays don't stimulate my mind as much. Unless, of course, I did some thorough research which would have aroused my interest in writing about it. All I can do now is pray that my writing style impresses my examiner enough to block out my completely unorganised arrangement. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out.
That's all for now.
Maybe I'll sleep on the carpet tonight...
Every has to use only one hand to show any number (holding up one finger or three, whatever they like). Before that, each person will have to choose a number, any number but not exceeding the possible amount (If there are three people playing, the maximum is 15, assuming everyone has 5 fingers on each hand). Then we start. On the count of three, everyone has to show a number. Add it up and if the amount matches someones number choice, they're out. Then the game is repeated with everyone choosing a different set of numbers because the maximum has just been decreased. The last one left gets a punishment. So essentially, you need to escape as soon as possible.
It sounds so complicated when I read it but its actually quite easy to understand. We played a few round of this (I didn't lose, thankfully!) before moving on to some other childhood game. We had lots of fun and made lots of noise. We played till the last minute before the exams was about to start.
This doesn't sounds as boring as I mentioned earlier but to be honest, this was the highlight of the day. Once MUET 3 started, the day went sour again. I finished my paper in less than 45 minutes which left me with about 45 more minutes of absolutely nothing to do. I would have slept but I couldn't. So instead, I redecorated my question paper. Luckily, I took out my colour pencils before starting so I had something to do. I added lots of colour and life to my otherwise boring sheet of black and white question paper. Everyone probably thought I was mad.
After the exams, we had something to eat and then started with the next paper, MUET 4, which is a writing paper. I was excited (obviously because I love writing!). I managed to write exactly 200 words (which is the limit) for question 1 in about 20 minutes. An incredible feat if you ask me. When I started on question 2, it seemed like everyone was still engrossed in the first. Admittedly, that boosted my ego and inflated my head a little. The next essay wasn't too bad but I think it was a little unorganised on my part. I was on the verge of rambling and try as I may to conceal that, it probably shone through strongly. To be frank, I'm more of the fictional or narrative writer. Factually essays don't stimulate my mind as much. Unless, of course, I did some thorough research which would have aroused my interest in writing about it. All I can do now is pray that my writing style impresses my examiner enough to block out my completely unorganised arrangement. I guess I'll just have to wait to find out.
That's all for now.
Maybe I'll sleep on the carpet tonight...
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Someday, I'll Take The World by Storm!
First day of exam. Well done, actually. PA 2 was 3 hours long. I, however, managed to finish it 40 minutes before time was up. Not what I had planned or even expected. In the morning, before the exam, almost everyone had their nose buried in their books. Everyone except me of course, accompanied by Dinesh, who was sneezing to much to stay still long enough to read. We laughed and talked and acted like little kids before heading to recess. I had my normal Nasi Lemak and Dinesh had his almost normal 2 plates of Nasi Lemak. Visha with her tuna sandwiches and Romina with her predictable diet of Apollo biscuits. When we were back in class, I had a stick of Apollo biscuit in my mouth which Romina gave me. Dinesh, being the three year old he sometimes is, took the remaining half and swallowed it. I chased him around the class. Never mess with a girl's food. Least of all this girl's food. I was serious (kinda). I chased him around until he promised to buy me some Apollo tomorrow. Yay me!
Anyway, Dinesh's sneezing become worse as time wore on and by the time everyone was halfway through with their paper, he had finished up at least 3 packets of tissue. Poor thing. He's definitely coming up with something (here I am stating the obvious). I hope he gets well though, not only because of all the trees he's killing with the use of each tissue but because I can't imagine how terrible it is trying to answer questions when you're constantly sneezing. "Obesiti disebabkan oleh..." *ACHOO!* "...pengambilan makanan berlemak secara..." *ACHOO!* "...berlebihan." *ACHOO!*. You get my point. At least tomorrow won't be too hard. MUET is the least of his problems.
Speaking of troublesome subjects. I found out today that many of my classmates (the ones who take History) usually only get half over twenty-five for their essays. In the last exams, The highest score was 3/25. Wow! I'm really happy I gave it up. Apparently Form 6 History is way more complicated than the one in Form 5. I think (and am secretly hoping - though it's not much of a secret now) that English Literature will be a breeze compared to History. I don't want to do bad. I don't mind not being amazing at it, seeing as we haven't really done much, but getting a satisfactory grade is a must. Otherwise, we'll be stuck with History. Nightmare scenario! I'm not panicking though, at least not really, because I don't think anything can be worse than history. History in museums and paintings and plays are much more spellbinding than the ones we get in textbooks. I think the system needs a little shakeup. Developing a more interesting way of grinding antiquated facts into our brains should be a priority (since history really is important - says the girl who isn't taking the excruciating subject).
Anyway, I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be one boring day. I've finished reading the book "13 Little Blue Envelopes" by Maureen Johnson. It's a wonderful book. Fantastical but somehow real at the same time. Magical and yet sad. I really like it. The first time I read it, all I thought was, 'What an interesting journey to take.' Not that I'd even consider it back then. Now, however, I find myself fantasising about the day I'll get myself a backpack and do what 'Peg' did. Granted, I don't have her talent or courage or spunk, but I think I'll survive. I have a feeling that, once I've made enough money to get started, I won't have any problems travelling around the world, doing odd jobs to survive. Redecorating a cafe that's going bankrupt sounds like a ball. I know I probably sound insane right now but there's something romantic about travelling the world, seeing things both usual and unusual, working my way through each adventure and ending up where I should be - at home, content and loved. It might be unbelievable, but at this moment in time, I have all the confidence in the world that I will one day have an around the world adventure worthy of a novel. I just have to go through the normal pangs of the 'terrible teen' years and maybe some 'young adult' life before setting off into the sunset to begin my adventures across the seven seas. World, here I come! (in a few years.... I know you'll wait :))
Anyway, Dinesh's sneezing become worse as time wore on and by the time everyone was halfway through with their paper, he had finished up at least 3 packets of tissue. Poor thing. He's definitely coming up with something (here I am stating the obvious). I hope he gets well though, not only because of all the trees he's killing with the use of each tissue but because I can't imagine how terrible it is trying to answer questions when you're constantly sneezing. "Obesiti disebabkan oleh..." *ACHOO!* "...pengambilan makanan berlemak secara..." *ACHOO!* "...berlebihan." *ACHOO!*. You get my point. At least tomorrow won't be too hard. MUET is the least of his problems.
Speaking of troublesome subjects. I found out today that many of my classmates (the ones who take History) usually only get half over twenty-five for their essays. In the last exams, The highest score was 3/25. Wow! I'm really happy I gave it up. Apparently Form 6 History is way more complicated than the one in Form 5. I think (and am secretly hoping - though it's not much of a secret now) that English Literature will be a breeze compared to History. I don't want to do bad. I don't mind not being amazing at it, seeing as we haven't really done much, but getting a satisfactory grade is a must. Otherwise, we'll be stuck with History. Nightmare scenario! I'm not panicking though, at least not really, because I don't think anything can be worse than history. History in museums and paintings and plays are much more spellbinding than the ones we get in textbooks. I think the system needs a little shakeup. Developing a more interesting way of grinding antiquated facts into our brains should be a priority (since history really is important - says the girl who isn't taking the excruciating subject).
Anyway, I have a feeling that tomorrow is going to be one boring day. I've finished reading the book "13 Little Blue Envelopes" by Maureen Johnson. It's a wonderful book. Fantastical but somehow real at the same time. Magical and yet sad. I really like it. The first time I read it, all I thought was, 'What an interesting journey to take.' Not that I'd even consider it back then. Now, however, I find myself fantasising about the day I'll get myself a backpack and do what 'Peg' did. Granted, I don't have her talent or courage or spunk, but I think I'll survive. I have a feeling that, once I've made enough money to get started, I won't have any problems travelling around the world, doing odd jobs to survive. Redecorating a cafe that's going bankrupt sounds like a ball. I know I probably sound insane right now but there's something romantic about travelling the world, seeing things both usual and unusual, working my way through each adventure and ending up where I should be - at home, content and loved. It might be unbelievable, but at this moment in time, I have all the confidence in the world that I will one day have an around the world adventure worthy of a novel. I just have to go through the normal pangs of the 'terrible teen' years and maybe some 'young adult' life before setting off into the sunset to begin my adventures across the seven seas. World, here I come! (in a few years.... I know you'll wait :))
Sunday, October 24, 2010
A Few Things To Be Excited About
First, exams! I know what you're thinking - why one earth is she excited about exams?? Well, to tell you the truth, I just can't wait to go through my first Form 6 exams in La Salle. It's a totally different school than my previous one. Here, they mail the results straight to your parents. How cool is that! Also, I want to make sure that I still have what it takes. Being away from school for almost 6 months has had an impact on me and I want to find out if it's good or bad, academic-wise. It kicks off on Tuesday, and (it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows me) I haven't really done any big exams preparations. In my opinion, exams should reflect how much we absorb in school throughout the year, not what we manage to squeeze in the week before exams. Therefore, my total lack of preparations for the upcoming exams. :P
This week is also the week for something really big (school scale big). I won't say anything here though because I don't want to risk anyone finding out ahead of time. I will write about it as soon as I can, I promise.
The next thing I'm excited about is Halloween! This year, I'm going all out. I don't usually celebrate Halloween (it's not a big thing here - slowly rising though) but this year I want to. The theme in Friday's is "Spooky Circus". They've 'spooked' up all the stores and I'm taking my mama and a friend with me to celebrate. I'm going as a mime. Not just any mime though, but a maniacal mime. I not sticking to the traditional French mime style, however. I have this nice mime-like dress which I'm pairing with striped stockings and white gloves. My make up will be awesome! I'm just so pumped up about it. I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for Halloween. I can't believe I can't wait for Halloween. I can't wait! Good thing is, this is an exam week, which means the days will sail by (hopefully time won't pull another one of its tricks on me).
Next up, Pizza! Our Form Six Society is having a pizza sale early next month and I'm experimenting on recipes. They wanted to buy and re-sell Domino's but I managed to talk them all out of that crazy idea. Imagine, buying pizza from a chain store and selling it back to kids in school. Not a good money making scheme. I convinced them to make their own pizza. A lot more fun and they stand to make more cash. It'll be a group effort and everyone can enjoy themselves. It's happening after the exams so I don't think we'll have trouble getting everyone involved. So far, so good:)
Moving on, school holidays are approaching! I'm excited but at the same time, a little apprehensive. I'm looking forward to working again but I'll have to face work without June (who's going off to study in November). I'm going to miss her like crazy. The plus point is that her university is in the same city as my home which makes things simpler. Also, holidays mean Christmas and my road trip. I hope everything goes well. If this works out, it'll be my first step to an around the world adventure. It's a huge thing for me and I want it to work out.
Alas, we part ways for now. I shall be back!
This week is also the week for something really big (school scale big). I won't say anything here though because I don't want to risk anyone finding out ahead of time. I will write about it as soon as I can, I promise.
The next thing I'm excited about is Halloween! This year, I'm going all out. I don't usually celebrate Halloween (it's not a big thing here - slowly rising though) but this year I want to. The theme in Friday's is "Spooky Circus". They've 'spooked' up all the stores and I'm taking my mama and a friend with me to celebrate. I'm going as a mime. Not just any mime though, but a maniacal mime. I not sticking to the traditional French mime style, however. I have this nice mime-like dress which I'm pairing with striped stockings and white gloves. My make up will be awesome! I'm just so pumped up about it. I can't believe I have to wait a whole week for Halloween. I can't believe I can't wait for Halloween. I can't wait! Good thing is, this is an exam week, which means the days will sail by (hopefully time won't pull another one of its tricks on me).
Next up, Pizza! Our Form Six Society is having a pizza sale early next month and I'm experimenting on recipes. They wanted to buy and re-sell Domino's but I managed to talk them all out of that crazy idea. Imagine, buying pizza from a chain store and selling it back to kids in school. Not a good money making scheme. I convinced them to make their own pizza. A lot more fun and they stand to make more cash. It'll be a group effort and everyone can enjoy themselves. It's happening after the exams so I don't think we'll have trouble getting everyone involved. So far, so good:)
Moving on, school holidays are approaching! I'm excited but at the same time, a little apprehensive. I'm looking forward to working again but I'll have to face work without June (who's going off to study in November). I'm going to miss her like crazy. The plus point is that her university is in the same city as my home which makes things simpler. Also, holidays mean Christmas and my road trip. I hope everything goes well. If this works out, it'll be my first step to an around the world adventure. It's a huge thing for me and I want it to work out.
Alas, we part ways for now. I shall be back!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We arrived at the stadium about an hour early. We queued up at the back of the right most line because we thought there were different entrances for each ticket price. Oh, how wrong we were. June and I managed to squeeze in between people and get to the front in less than 15 minutes. Before we knew it, we were in. Since we still had lots of time, we decided to wait for Aqil before heading to our seats. While we were waiting, we met the guy from Sunway. The one who wanted to know where A Cut Above was. Unbelievable right? It's moments like these that make me go, "It's a small world after all!." Anyway, Aqil came in and we made our way to our seats.
Paramore was AWESOME! The moment we saw Hayley on stage, everyone went nuts! Our seats we're quite good actually. We weren't exactly right in front of the stage but we had a really good view. Also, it wasn't as packed in our box as it was in front of us. We could see Hayley's orange hair very clearly from where we sat (I think we would be able to see it even if we were fa away. Haha!).
I'm not such a huge Paramore fan. I only know whatever songs that they released to the radio. Even then, I didn't know all the lyrics. A little down-grading but we had a blast just head-banging along to the tunes. Whichever songs we didn't know, June and I just sat down and watched the crowd or the sky. For those that we did know, we stood on the chair, jumping, singing along and dancing. We went crazy! We sang along to Decode and Brick By Boring Brick and The Only Exception. We were in our own world. It was awesome. At the end, she invited a fan onto the stage to sing one of the songs. He went nuts. She gave him the microphone and before he started singing he managed to get a picture of them together. How awesome is that?! All in all, an awesome experience.
Before I end this post, I'd like to tell the world about this spectacular (not really!) poet in my class. I think he wrote close to 10 verses in the span of 1 hour. Not all of them great and most of them were laughable, but one or two, though no professional, were very nice. Here's the one or two poems that he penned (each verse stands on it's own, not a continuation of the one before):
The texture of metal
A crave for the tongue
Bursting all over the lies
A sinful delight
To see the light
If you find yourself
In a dark place
With blood puring everywhere
Don't worry dear
You are in my heart
Your looks blow me away
Your eyes make me suffer
I'm growing in your heart
in your eyes poems are read
(This one was written in Tamil, translated to English. Sounds much better in Tamil)
Paramore was AWESOME! The moment we saw Hayley on stage, everyone went nuts! Our seats we're quite good actually. We weren't exactly right in front of the stage but we had a really good view. Also, it wasn't as packed in our box as it was in front of us. We could see Hayley's orange hair very clearly from where we sat (I think we would be able to see it even if we were fa away. Haha!).
I'm not such a huge Paramore fan. I only know whatever songs that they released to the radio. Even then, I didn't know all the lyrics. A little down-grading but we had a blast just head-banging along to the tunes. Whichever songs we didn't know, June and I just sat down and watched the crowd or the sky. For those that we did know, we stood on the chair, jumping, singing along and dancing. We went crazy! We sang along to Decode and Brick By Boring Brick and The Only Exception. We were in our own world. It was awesome. At the end, she invited a fan onto the stage to sing one of the songs. He went nuts. She gave him the microphone and before he started singing he managed to get a picture of them together. How awesome is that?! All in all, an awesome experience.
Before I end this post, I'd like to tell the world about this spectacular (not really!) poet in my class. I think he wrote close to 10 verses in the span of 1 hour. Not all of them great and most of them were laughable, but one or two, though no professional, were very nice. Here's the one or two poems that he penned (each verse stands on it's own, not a continuation of the one before):
The texture of metal
A crave for the tongue
Bursting all over the lies
A sinful delight
To see the light
If you find yourself
In a dark place
With blood puring everywhere
Don't worry dear
You are in my heart
Your looks blow me away
Your eyes make me suffer
I'm growing in your heart
in your eyes poems are read
(This one was written in Tamil, translated to English. Sounds much better in Tamil)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Past, Present and If Tomorrow Comes
Yay! I finally did what I was planning to since the last term break. I sat in Friday's and did my homework yesterday! Once I completed it, had a Chocolate Chip Shake and a plate of Nachos. The only thing missing was June, but I did have a great time. After finishing my work, I started on my first Sidney Sheldon book, 'If Tomorrow Comes'. It's very interestingly written, taking the reader through what happened to the main character and how that affected her personality and life choices. I can't wait to know the ending, and to start on another Sidney Sheldon book. I guess it's safe to say, I've got the reading bug back.
Today, I hung out with Visha. Dinesh and Romina were supposed to come but due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to cancel. We still had a great time though. We sat in Starbucks and wanted to start on our Literature homework, but we only got as far as understanding the question. We started talking and we didn't stop. We talked for a few hours in Starbucks and then we had lunch (when it was apparent that Romz wasn't going to make it) at Fullhouse. We talked even more there, and then proceeded to a DIY photo shoot. We took model-like and crazy-like pictures at the most picturesque spots (not really picturesque, but quite awesome). Visha and I talked about almost everything, Boys, school, friends, food, family, emotions. We had loads of fun. (Pictures will be posted A.S.A.P!)
As for Sidney Sheldon, I'm almost done. A few more pages and I'm ready for another one :)
I had some really catchy phrases of my own concoctions a few minutes ago but my speeding brain just raced through and I can't remember any of it at all. How disappointing.
Lo! I actually didn't want to blog today (because it's so late and I have school tomorrow) but I couldn't help myself. I received an e-mail today from..... MY PAST SELF!! I found a website, exactly a year ago, that allows me to type out an e-mail and have it sent to me whenever I wanted. To be honest, I never knew how much difference a year has made. It wasn't anything very personal so I'm going to post it here:
Dear FutureMe,
heya.. how's life working out for you? have you found job you like? have you found someone to love? good for you if you have.. if not, you've been waiting a few years, so whats another year right? but you've got to try.. how would you know if he loves you too when you don't even try? messed up once, don't do it again..
anyway, i wonder what you look like? do me a favour will you.. look into a mirror and think back about the past year? was it all you wished for? did you stumble upon love and live your life the way you always wanted??..
and if you haven't dyed you hair yet, go do it now!..
finally, right now (11.14pm:13.oct.2009), ma is sleeping, and Christian is working.. Dillon is barely 3 weeks old and I'm (or you are) tired as hell and scared cz the big exams are only 26 days away(hope we did well).. phew!!.. that was a long one.. haha..
your younger self.. you'll be hearing from yourself again.. :)
I couldn't help but smile.
Dear FutureMe,
heya.. how's life working out for you? (awesome!) have you found job you like?(yes, and I've enjoyed it!) have you found someone to love?(in process) good for you if you have.. if not, you've been waiting a few years, so whats another year right? but you've got to try.. how would you know if he loves you too when you don't even try? messed up once, don't do it again.. (I promise, I'll try my best not to)
anyway, i wonder what you look like? (very different, actually) do me a favour will you.. look into a mirror and think back about the past year? was it all you wished for? (no but its spectacular) did you stumble upon love (that's a rock I've not encountered yet) and live your life the way you always wanted??(Glad to say I'm doing it right now) ..
and if you haven't dyed you hair yet, go do it now!.. (dyed it red and back to black again)
finally, right now (11.14pm:13.oct.2009), ma is sleeping, and Christian is working.. Dillon is barely 3 weeks old (11.13pm: 13.oct.2010; ma is sleeping, Christian is working and Dillon is now 1 year and 3 weeks old!) and I'm (or you are) tired as hell and scared cz the big exams are only 26 days away(hope we did well)(We did wonderful!).. phew!!.. that was a long one.. haha..
your younger self.. you'll be hearing from yourself again.. :)
(can't wait) :)
Today, I hung out with Visha. Dinesh and Romina were supposed to come but due to unforeseen circumstances, they had to cancel. We still had a great time though. We sat in Starbucks and wanted to start on our Literature homework, but we only got as far as understanding the question. We started talking and we didn't stop. We talked for a few hours in Starbucks and then we had lunch (when it was apparent that Romz wasn't going to make it) at Fullhouse. We talked even more there, and then proceeded to a DIY photo shoot. We took model-like and crazy-like pictures at the most picturesque spots (not really picturesque, but quite awesome). Visha and I talked about almost everything, Boys, school, friends, food, family, emotions. We had loads of fun. (Pictures will be posted A.S.A.P!)
As for Sidney Sheldon, I'm almost done. A few more pages and I'm ready for another one :)
I had some really catchy phrases of my own concoctions a few minutes ago but my speeding brain just raced through and I can't remember any of it at all. How disappointing.
Lo! I actually didn't want to blog today (because it's so late and I have school tomorrow) but I couldn't help myself. I received an e-mail today from..... MY PAST SELF!! I found a website, exactly a year ago, that allows me to type out an e-mail and have it sent to me whenever I wanted. To be honest, I never knew how much difference a year has made. It wasn't anything very personal so I'm going to post it here:
Dear FutureMe,
heya.. how's life working out for you? have you found job you like? have you found someone to love? good for you if you have.. if not, you've been waiting a few years, so whats another year right? but you've got to try.. how would you know if he loves you too when you don't even try? messed up once, don't do it again..
anyway, i wonder what you look like? do me a favour will you.. look into a mirror and think back about the past year? was it all you wished for? did you stumble upon love and live your life the way you always wanted??..
and if you haven't dyed you hair yet, go do it now!..
finally, right now (11.14pm:13.oct.2009), ma is sleeping, and Christian is working.. Dillon is barely 3 weeks old and I'm (or you are) tired as hell and scared cz the big exams are only 26 days away(hope we did well).. phew!!.. that was a long one.. haha..
your younger self.. you'll be hearing from yourself again.. :)
I couldn't help but smile.
Dear FutureMe,
heya.. how's life working out for you? (awesome!) have you found job you like?(yes, and I've enjoyed it!) have you found someone to love?(in process) good for you if you have.. if not, you've been waiting a few years, so whats another year right? but you've got to try.. how would you know if he loves you too when you don't even try? messed up once, don't do it again.. (I promise, I'll try my best not to)
anyway, i wonder what you look like? (very different, actually) do me a favour will you.. look into a mirror and think back about the past year? was it all you wished for? (no but its spectacular) did you stumble upon love (that's a rock I've not encountered yet) and live your life the way you always wanted??(Glad to say I'm doing it right now) ..
and if you haven't dyed you hair yet, go do it now!.. (dyed it red and back to black again)
finally, right now (11.14pm:13.oct.2009), ma is sleeping, and Christian is working.. Dillon is barely 3 weeks old (11.13pm: 13.oct.2010; ma is sleeping, Christian is working and Dillon is now 1 year and 3 weeks old!) and I'm (or you are) tired as hell and scared cz the big exams are only 26 days away(hope we did well)(We did wonderful!).. phew!!.. that was a long one.. haha..
your younger self.. you'll be hearing from yourself again.. :)
(can't wait) :)
Monday, October 11, 2010
I wish I had an iPad with me at all times. That way, I can blog just about everything I want to. At my current situation, I'm only posting half of what I want to because my brain is just too fast. I can't remember exactly what I want to post and even if I do, it wont be with as much vigour as it should. I really need to find a solution for this. I keep losing a lot of great ideas and phrases :(
Anyway, I was supposed to bake a batman cake for Jaydon's 5th Birthday Party but the cake sank in the middle for reasons beyod my understanding. I put it back in the oven to try and bake the center, which was not cooked, but it didn't work. So then, I thought of buying a plain, undecorated butter cake and ice it myself but the only bakery that would have that cake was closed for the day. In the end, I had to buy a ready-made American Chocolate cake for the little boy. I feel like such a failure. Lucky for me, Jaydon didn't know that he was supposed to get a batman cake. I'm currently guilt-ridden and my ego just got a good bashing!
I hope my others cakes come out well. I don't think my self-esteem can't afford another failure.
Anyway, I re-worked the failed cake. I cut off the sides (which were perfectly baked) and made mini cakes. I used the icing (intended for the Batman Cake) and made personalised decorations. I wrote people's initials on the cake with yellow icing (the background was black). It turned out quite nice, just not what I was expecting (no batman at all!) Predictably, Dinesh whacked, not only his, but Kathiga's cake as well! Visha's got smashed accidentally, so I owe her another one :P
AAHH!! I have so many thoughts passing through my mind right now. I can't even pin-point one idea to write out! (The detriments of having such a hyper-active brain!)
Anyway, I was supposed to bake a batman cake for Jaydon's 5th Birthday Party but the cake sank in the middle for reasons beyod my understanding. I put it back in the oven to try and bake the center, which was not cooked, but it didn't work. So then, I thought of buying a plain, undecorated butter cake and ice it myself but the only bakery that would have that cake was closed for the day. In the end, I had to buy a ready-made American Chocolate cake for the little boy. I feel like such a failure. Lucky for me, Jaydon didn't know that he was supposed to get a batman cake. I'm currently guilt-ridden and my ego just got a good bashing!
I hope my others cakes come out well. I don't think my self-esteem can't afford another failure.
Anyway, I re-worked the failed cake. I cut off the sides (which were perfectly baked) and made mini cakes. I used the icing (intended for the Batman Cake) and made personalised decorations. I wrote people's initials on the cake with yellow icing (the background was black). It turned out quite nice, just not what I was expecting (no batman at all!) Predictably, Dinesh whacked, not only his, but Kathiga's cake as well! Visha's got smashed accidentally, so I owe her another one :P
AAHH!! I have so many thoughts passing through my mind right now. I can't even pin-point one idea to write out! (The detriments of having such a hyper-active brain!)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Being Completely Malaysian!
Well, it's been a while since my last blog. There's just been so many things going on that I was too lazy to blog. Even now I'm feeling kind of brain-dead but I need to get these thoughts out of my head no matter what it takes so forgive me if this post isn't as normal as it usually is.
Since it's PMR week, we've been moved to different classes to accommodate the comfort of the PMR students. L6E1 was moved to one of the classes in the canteen block which is nearer to the examination hall (apparently, the teachers trust us to keep silent throughout the day. Yea right!). Honestly, I was so excited! Since my fist day in LaSalle, I was intrigued by the staircase found right in the canteen and even more so of the boys walking straight into the canteen from their classes. Finally, I can experience that for myself. I'm sure you'll be wondering why I'm so excited about such a trivial thing. I'm a huge fan of food and the fact that I have to walk through the canteen to get to my class is just awesome! On top of that, we get the smell of food so early in the day that we space out much sooner that we normally would. These past few days have been great! The class is square and two wall are completely covered with windows. There's so much more light and air coming in. I love it there!
Dinesh, Visha and Mina have been really nice too. I'm glad I decided to move to LaSalle. We (Visha, Dinesh and I) had breakfast today. I was late :P Still on food, Dinesh brought Thai spring rolls today (homemade!). It was delicious. We came up with a food plan for ourselves. Three days each week, we'd bring some food from home. We planned out a schedule and tomorrow, it Visha's turn! I wonder what she'll bring?
Anyway, ma and I went to the flea market in Jaya 33 today. Ma was right, I loved it there! They had this beautiful purple knee-length dress. I bought that for Christmas. Then there was this white long tank top, very comfortable to wear. Another thing I bought was this (rejected) Ralph Lauren shirt-blouse. I just wanted it even when I first saw it. Unfortunately for me, it's a tad too big for my petite body so I gave it to ma. She looks awesome in it. All in all, it was a good day out. (No homework either which was like icing on the cake!)
I've been checking out some of the blogs on "Blogs of Note" and I have to say, they're spectacular. I really like the 'Beta Dad'. Original, to say the least. Anyone who hasn't read it yet, should check it out.
Bringing this back to the topic of clothes. I've re-designed some of my old clothes to my current personal style and needless to say, I'm very excited about the sewing part of it. The only problem is, I have yet to get myself a sewing machine. I can always hand sew everything but it'll last longer and look nicer if I do it with a machine. The thing is, sewing machine's aren't cheap. I'd love to get the traditional kind but they're more expensive than the motorised ones. Hopefully I can get my hand on a good second-hand machine. I just need it for some light sewing, nothing heavy duty so I'll manage with a used one. I want it soon! I'm getting a little bored with my clothes so I need to get this machine to jazz everything up a little bit.
Oh! I'm watching the Commonwealth Games right now! Women's Weightlifting. The Malaysian did very well on her first attempt - 85kg. The commentator was telling us about his interview with the Malaysia Weightlifter, Farhana. He asked her about what she likes to do in her free time and she said, "I hang out with my boyfriend." That's so Malaysian! :)
Since it's PMR week, we've been moved to different classes to accommodate the comfort of the PMR students. L6E1 was moved to one of the classes in the canteen block which is nearer to the examination hall (apparently, the teachers trust us to keep silent throughout the day. Yea right!). Honestly, I was so excited! Since my fist day in LaSalle, I was intrigued by the staircase found right in the canteen and even more so of the boys walking straight into the canteen from their classes. Finally, I can experience that for myself. I'm sure you'll be wondering why I'm so excited about such a trivial thing. I'm a huge fan of food and the fact that I have to walk through the canteen to get to my class is just awesome! On top of that, we get the smell of food so early in the day that we space out much sooner that we normally would. These past few days have been great! The class is square and two wall are completely covered with windows. There's so much more light and air coming in. I love it there!
Dinesh, Visha and Mina have been really nice too. I'm glad I decided to move to LaSalle. We (Visha, Dinesh and I) had breakfast today. I was late :P Still on food, Dinesh brought Thai spring rolls today (homemade!). It was delicious. We came up with a food plan for ourselves. Three days each week, we'd bring some food from home. We planned out a schedule and tomorrow, it Visha's turn! I wonder what she'll bring?
Anyway, ma and I went to the flea market in Jaya 33 today. Ma was right, I loved it there! They had this beautiful purple knee-length dress. I bought that for Christmas. Then there was this white long tank top, very comfortable to wear. Another thing I bought was this (rejected) Ralph Lauren shirt-blouse. I just wanted it even when I first saw it. Unfortunately for me, it's a tad too big for my petite body so I gave it to ma. She looks awesome in it. All in all, it was a good day out. (No homework either which was like icing on the cake!)
I've been checking out some of the blogs on "Blogs of Note" and I have to say, they're spectacular. I really like the 'Beta Dad'. Original, to say the least. Anyone who hasn't read it yet, should check it out.
Bringing this back to the topic of clothes. I've re-designed some of my old clothes to my current personal style and needless to say, I'm very excited about the sewing part of it. The only problem is, I have yet to get myself a sewing machine. I can always hand sew everything but it'll last longer and look nicer if I do it with a machine. The thing is, sewing machine's aren't cheap. I'd love to get the traditional kind but they're more expensive than the motorised ones. Hopefully I can get my hand on a good second-hand machine. I just need it for some light sewing, nothing heavy duty so I'll manage with a used one. I want it soon! I'm getting a little bored with my clothes so I need to get this machine to jazz everything up a little bit.
Oh! I'm watching the Commonwealth Games right now! Women's Weightlifting. The Malaysian did very well on her first attempt - 85kg. The commentator was telling us about his interview with the Malaysia Weightlifter, Farhana. He asked her about what she likes to do in her free time and she said, "I hang out with my boyfriend." That's so Malaysian! :)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
'Wow!' Moments~~
I had so much fun with June today! I met up with her in after she finished her shift. We went to Starbucks and chatted for a while. We caught up and exchanged stories, even planned a few trips:) She had the Creme Brule Caramel thingy and I ordered a Chocolate Cream Chip. Tastes Awesome!
After that, we just walked around a lot. When we were on the escalator, going up, there were two guys behind us who asked us where A Cut Above was. We tried to explain it to them but they looked so blur that we decided to take them there ourselves. We guided them to the one in the Blue Atrium but it turns out, their friend was in the one near the bowling alley. We walked with them till Hagaan Dazs, then one of the guy asked for June's number! June was all hot and cold after that!
We then walked around some more, and found three guys playing songs near Cupcake Chic. A guitarist, drummer and a saxophone player. We sat on the bench next to them to watch them play. The saxophone player was really entertaining. He kept turning to us and smiling. I really like the guitarist. He was so into the music! After listening to 2 songs, we asked if we could request a song. June wanted Crazy by Aerosmith and I wanted Last Kiss by Pearl Jam but they were both too rock for the band who were more Jazz. So then, we asked for Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight. They were awesome!
The saxophone player reminded us of Sonny Boy! So then, we went to Friday's to hang out for a while. We hijacked a reserved table and just talked to everyone as they passed by. We also ate our favourite Kid's Nachos! After a while, Aqil invited me to the Paramore concert with him and June. Wah! I'm so excited. :)
After everything, I dropped June off at the train station and headed home. Honestly, it was good to hang out with her. I really missed her company :)
Now, I'm off to sleep!
After that, we just walked around a lot. When we were on the escalator, going up, there were two guys behind us who asked us where A Cut Above was. We tried to explain it to them but they looked so blur that we decided to take them there ourselves. We guided them to the one in the Blue Atrium but it turns out, their friend was in the one near the bowling alley. We walked with them till Hagaan Dazs, then one of the guy asked for June's number! June was all hot and cold after that!
We then walked around some more, and found three guys playing songs near Cupcake Chic. A guitarist, drummer and a saxophone player. We sat on the bench next to them to watch them play. The saxophone player was really entertaining. He kept turning to us and smiling. I really like the guitarist. He was so into the music! After listening to 2 songs, we asked if we could request a song. June wanted Crazy by Aerosmith and I wanted Last Kiss by Pearl Jam but they were both too rock for the band who were more Jazz. So then, we asked for Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight. They were awesome!
The saxophone player reminded us of Sonny Boy! So then, we went to Friday's to hang out for a while. We hijacked a reserved table and just talked to everyone as they passed by. We also ate our favourite Kid's Nachos! After a while, Aqil invited me to the Paramore concert with him and June. Wah! I'm so excited. :)
After everything, I dropped June off at the train station and headed home. Honestly, it was good to hang out with her. I really missed her company :)
Now, I'm off to sleep!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Supposed to be posted yesterday (29/09/2010)
School was kind of normal (as normal as possible, that is). We had a short career talk before school ended. It was very interesting. We filled out a personality form and found out the kind of people we are (left- or right-brained) and the kind of job that suits us.
There was something about peripheral vision, moving forward & focusing but never losing sight of everything else that's going on. Something ma already taught me! :) When I was working at Carismen Dolce, I did some data entry work and at the beginning, I was so focused that I ignored everything and everyone else around me. Then ma told me that I shouldn't do that especially in the store environment when customers can enter at anytime and needs to be tended to. So, lesson learnt!
After that, the guy told us that there were three kinds of people in the world. People who;
And then there was this whole thing about the difference between having a career and a job. A career being a lifetime appointment and something you love and want to do. A job; something you just do in exchange for cash. Obviously, I want a career. Though what that may be is still a mystery to me. After the personality test, I've found out that I'm a right-brained kind of person. Yellow and Red are my colours, which symbolises someone who is emotional, charismatic, prefers chaos and is definitely weird on some level. Not bad, considering...
School was kind of normal (as normal as possible, that is). We had a short career talk before school ended. It was very interesting. We filled out a personality form and found out the kind of people we are (left- or right-brained) and the kind of job that suits us.
There was something about peripheral vision, moving forward & focusing but never losing sight of everything else that's going on. Something ma already taught me! :) When I was working at Carismen Dolce, I did some data entry work and at the beginning, I was so focused that I ignored everything and everyone else around me. Then ma told me that I shouldn't do that especially in the store environment when customers can enter at anytime and needs to be tended to. So, lesson learnt!
After that, the guy told us that there were three kinds of people in the world. People who;
We're supposed to be the ones who make things happen of course.
And then there was this whole thing about the difference between having a career and a job. A career being a lifetime appointment and something you love and want to do. A job; something you just do in exchange for cash. Obviously, I want a career. Though what that may be is still a mystery to me. After the personality test, I've found out that I'm a right-brained kind of person. Yellow and Red are my colours, which symbolises someone who is emotional, charismatic, prefers chaos and is definitely weird on some level. Not bad, considering...
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Mystery of Self Respect and Science
Today, I'll start off with the assembly in school. The prefects were checking every body's socks because someone was wearing yellow socks and they were trying to find out who it was. While checking, one prefect told off an upper six girl who had dyed her hair. That girl, in turn, got defensive and argued back. The prefect didn't say anything much after that with the exception of a warning. Once the prefect left, the girl started to vent her feelings to her friends in a very loud and sarcastic way. She kept hurling insults at the prefect all through the Negaraku, Selangor Anthem and School Song. It was totally annoying. I was so tempted to tell them to quite down, but I didn't since I knew what would happen if I did. After the song, they continued to utter abuse, now directed at the entire prefects board and the school itself, during the morning prayers. Talk about lack of respect. It doesn't matter to me whether you're right or wrong, as long as you have some respect, if not for the school or state, at least for you're country. We should be thankful that we live in a country where we can go to bed without worry. We have running water, electricity, clean air and most importantly, peace. So, no matter how upset, mad, hurt or angry you are, you put it aside and proudly sing the National Anthem. After that, feel free to continue your string of condemnation. The same should be for the prayers. Just because you're not Muslim nor a Christian, you don't have the right to disrespect their prayers. How would you feel if I talked loudly and insulted people openly while you were praying? Where's you self respect? In my book it's completely tarnished thanks to you immaturity. Some decency would be much appreciated.
Anyway, after school we (Visha and I) had R&D with Pn.Soleha. Dinesh joined us a little later on when the topic was traditions. We talked about Sarees and traditions of each culture but somehow we managed to steer the conversation to boys and girls. Visha said that girls have two extra ribs (I thought so too but didn't I read somewhere that the myth was busted?). Then Pn.Soleha mentioned the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was made from a rib bone that God took from Adam. I said; "I wonder if there was any anesthetics involved at that time?" and Dinesh, the smart-alec, said; "So that means God invented cloning! That's where science started!." (o.O)
He went on and said, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the Apple from the tree because it was sprayed with insecticide and that Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden because they were contaminated with insecticide!
Hence, God invented science and the proof is -he made Eve from Adam's rib bone. The earliest documented case of cloning.
!!Oh what geniuses we have nowadays!!
Anyway, after school we (Visha and I) had R&D with Pn.Soleha. Dinesh joined us a little later on when the topic was traditions. We talked about Sarees and traditions of each culture but somehow we managed to steer the conversation to boys and girls. Visha said that girls have two extra ribs (I thought so too but didn't I read somewhere that the myth was busted?). Then Pn.Soleha mentioned the story of Adam and Eve. Eve was made from a rib bone that God took from Adam. I said; "I wonder if there was any anesthetics involved at that time?" and Dinesh, the smart-alec, said; "So that means God invented cloning! That's where science started!." (o.O)
He went on and said, God told Adam and Eve not to eat the Apple from the tree because it was sprayed with insecticide and that Adam and Eve got kicked out of Eden because they were contaminated with insecticide!
Hence, God invented science and the proof is -he made Eve from Adam's rib bone. The earliest documented case of cloning.
!!Oh what geniuses we have nowadays!!
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day Out With Baby Dillon
First up was the photo studio (meaning the Kodak Store!). The birthday boy was crying a lot but mostly because of the lights (partly because He 'doesn't know me'). We tried so many things to get him to smile, rattles, a fan, his hat. He was supposed to get a solo shot but refused to be alone so we ended up with a family photo and a photo of him with one parent at a time. He's absolutely adorable but a little 'spoiled'. He's a mama's boy, always gets his way. We won't the photos today itself so they'll email it to me when it's ready.
After Kodak, we headed home so Dillon could take his nap.When he woke up, we took some pictures with the cake and Dillon's birthday present (a remote control car).
Well, I had alot of fun. At first, he was a little scared by me because he hadn't seen me in a while but once he got used to me it was all OK. I had a great day with you, Dillon Li! (Yeah, yeah.. I know you can't read)
After Kodak, we headed home so Dillon could take his nap.When he woke up, we took some pictures with the cake and Dillon's birthday present (a remote control car).
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Behold my cuteness! |
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:) |
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Happy Birthday to me! |
After that, we headed to Tony Roma's for lunch. I couldn't help but compare the food to that of Friday's. Lets start of with the appetizer; Spanish Onion which is kind of like onion rings (I'd have preferred the Frizzled Onions from Friday's), buffalo wings and potato skins. The onion was good but too oily in my opinion, buffalo wings were great and the potato skins were alright. For the main course, we had barbecued ribs. The one in Friday's is much more tender but the sauce here is better. Also, I have to admit, their mash potato was awesome (compared to Friday's). I feel kind of guilty about the food there being better but if I compare the service, Friday's beat them flat. In conclusion, I'm sticking to Friday's! Anyway, we played with some soap bubble in Tony Roma's (something we should have done for the photo shoot).
Well, I had alot of fun. At first, he was a little scared by me because he hadn't seen me in a while but once he got used to me it was all OK. I had a great day with you, Dillon Li! (Yeah, yeah.. I know you can't read)
Friday, September 24, 2010
FunDay, FoodDay, FinalDay(of the week)!
Finally Friday! This week has been keeping me busy. I'm a little behind on homework but hopefully I'll be able to catch up during the weekend. Now that I think about it, I actually have a lot going on, in school, church, BEC, and my personal schedule. I have to make sure I avoid biting off more than I can chew. I'm still sane, thankfully, and I'm actually handling things quite well. Better than I would have a few years ago, anyway.
We had a little origami class in school today. We made birds, hearts and little 'sampan's. Dinesh named his boat 'Ath'ena' (Apparently it's the ship that got wrecked in the beginning of twelfth night) and I named mine 'Petite' (as in, the opposite of Titanic. Also, that's what Visha called me:)). Witty, no? Romina and Visha got a heart each and little birds that actually didn't come out good. Which reminds me, I have some PA homework to finish.
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Ingredients for the filling: Spring Onions, Carrots, Light Green Chili |
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Filling the spring (before it becomes a roll:) |
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Rolled and ready to fry |
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Viola! The end-product. |
Awesome dinner today.
Anyway, tomorrow, I'm heading off to go see Dillon! His parents want to take him to a photo studio for a photo shoot. I've never done anything like that so I'm quite excited. Most babies cry a lot during photo shoots but Dillon is really easy going (unlike his dad :P), so I think he'll be fine. I am, however, kind of worried that he's forgotten me (which is very possible since I haven't seen him in quite a while). I'm hoping he has a great memory (to remember his long lost sister) or at least a good judge of character (knowing that I love him and just want to spoil him all I can!). I'm so excited to the point where I've already picked out my outfit for tomorrow. Something sweet, comfortable and baby friendly.
I was thinking about getting him a present for his birthday but it seems the cons outweigh the pros. He's growing fast so it'll be a 'No' for clothes. I don't think he can fully enjoy a proper toy, and a card is just tacky (even if he could read). I'll hold off the material spoiling till he's old enough to remember:)
My lids are getting heavier by the minute so see y'all around!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Embracing The Rain
First off, this is my 100th post this year! Wohoo!
School was so much fun today. During MUET, we did group discussions. Since my half my group didn't turn up (they're in hospital), I'm not due to present till next week (Alleluia!). Visha and Romina were in the same group and they were debating (and monopolising the whole discussion) about who's point is better. It was fun to watch, I must say. Visha was so into her point and I could see she was getting emotionally attached to it (I understand though, 'cause I'm exactly the same) whilst Romina was very calm and she managed to convince everyone. However, I think Visha would have ploughed on if not for the time constraint.
Anyway, during BM, we were learning about 'Proses Morfologi', 'Pengimbuhan' to be exact. I think I've said this before but I'll say it again, I really enjoy the BM classes. Learning a language from the roots is really something. My use of the language, however, is still very poor and I'll have to work on it really hard. I won't be perfect but to be good is great. :)
Economics was the best. Even when Dinesh was sitting in the row in front of me, I was laughing non-stop at his and Visha's antics. Today, he decided to sit next to me. You can imagine just how much more I was laughing. Visha was hilarious too. Everything was amplified.
After school, we joined a treasure hunt organised by L6S1 in conjunction with the Month of Independence (did I say it right??). Anyway, It was really fun. I was in a group with Karthiga and Tamil. We, or more accurately I, was running around everywhere. I was a ball of energy (even though it was raining cats and dogs). We tried our best to answer all the questions. We left one of it blank (Semangat Membaca........?), and the other question that we didn't know, we guessed the answer (When did tun Dr. Mahathir declare the Malaysia Flag as Jalur Gemilang?) We only wrote down a random year; 1997. Our theory being that if no one else got it (since everyone seemed to be having an issue with that particular question), our year would be correct and we'd get the extra point. F.Y.I: I just checked, the actual date was 31August 1997. Yay! So now I'm hoping we get a point:). there was one question that we couldn't not have answered without help from Team Revolution (Visha, Romina and Dinesh). It was a calculation question. We really didn't have enough brain energy to do the math so they helped us out. Thanks Guys! :)
That was the day so far. I have some Economics work to finish up and then, hopefully, sleep. I've kind been an insomniac these past few nights. I wasn't exactly completely awake but neither was I dead asleep (I'malways usually dead asleep!)
Alright then. Chao for now!
School was so much fun today. During MUET, we did group discussions. Since my half my group didn't turn up (they're in hospital), I'm not due to present till next week (Alleluia!). Visha and Romina were in the same group and they were debating (and monopolising the whole discussion) about who's point is better. It was fun to watch, I must say. Visha was so into her point and I could see she was getting emotionally attached to it (I understand though, 'cause I'm exactly the same) whilst Romina was very calm and she managed to convince everyone. However, I think Visha would have ploughed on if not for the time constraint.
Anyway, during BM, we were learning about 'Proses Morfologi', 'Pengimbuhan' to be exact. I think I've said this before but I'll say it again, I really enjoy the BM classes. Learning a language from the roots is really something. My use of the language, however, is still very poor and I'll have to work on it really hard. I won't be perfect but to be good is great. :)
Economics was the best. Even when Dinesh was sitting in the row in front of me, I was laughing non-stop at his and Visha's antics. Today, he decided to sit next to me. You can imagine just how much more I was laughing. Visha was hilarious too. Everything was amplified.
After school, we joined a treasure hunt organised by L6S1 in conjunction with the Month of Independence (did I say it right??). Anyway, It was really fun. I was in a group with Karthiga and Tamil. We, or more accurately I, was running around everywhere. I was a ball of energy (even though it was raining cats and dogs). We tried our best to answer all the questions. We left one of it blank (Semangat Membaca........?), and the other question that we didn't know, we guessed the answer (When did tun Dr. Mahathir declare the Malaysia Flag as Jalur Gemilang?) We only wrote down a random year; 1997. Our theory being that if no one else got it (since everyone seemed to be having an issue with that particular question), our year would be correct and we'd get the extra point. F.Y.I: I just checked, the actual date was 31August 1997. Yay! So now I'm hoping we get a point:). there was one question that we couldn't not have answered without help from Team Revolution (Visha, Romina and Dinesh). It was a calculation question. We really didn't have enough brain energy to do the math so they helped us out. Thanks Guys! :)
That was the day so far. I have some Economics work to finish up and then, hopefully, sleep. I've kind been an insomniac these past few nights. I wasn't exactly completely awake but neither was I dead asleep (I'm
Alright then. Chao for now!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Journey's End In Lover's Meeting
My last post was minimal and even embarrassing. I apologise for it. This post is an attempt to amend my shameful recollection of the Twelfth Night by T4YP. I do hope I do it justice.
As I've said before, it was a blast! It started off with the shipwreck & Viola saying that she would pose as a man and serve Duke Orsino in Illyria. She had lost her twin brother, Sebastian to the sea and thought him dead. The story continues with Orsino getting Viola (known to him as Cesario) to woo his crush, Lady Olivia on his behalf. At the same time, Viola falls for Orsino & Olivia falls for 'Cesario'. Then there's Sebastian somewhere else being taken care of by Antonio, a sea captain who saved him from the wreckage.
Then there's the subplot, including, Sir Toby (Olivia's uncle), Maria (Olivia's servant), Sir Andrew and the Fool conspiring against the head steward, Malvolio. They make him believe that Olivia is in love with him and that it's her wish for him to wear yellow stockings and smile non-stop. When Olivia sees him, she thinks he's mad and send him to be locked away. Of course, they taunt him while he's locked up.
Once Sebastian and Antonio arrive at Illyria, the confusion begins. Sebastian ends up secretly marrying Olivia, who thinks he's Cesario (though he has no idea why she's crazy for him) and Antonio who thought Viola was Sebastian get caught for making a scene. The play ends with Viola and Sebastian together in one place and they untangle the confusion and Orsino makes Viola his mistress.
There's a song that I love;
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O, stay and hear; your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low:
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.
What is love? 'tis not hereafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies no plenty;
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure.
My favourite line is said by Antonio; How have you made division of yourself?
The song that ends the play was good too. There's a line or two in that song that I love;
But that's all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day.
After the play, I met Dinesh outside. He was with another cast member, Ashley. She was so unlike her character who was strong and loud. The real Ashley was quite timid. That just goes to show how great an actress she is.
Alas, the end is upon us. Farewell!
Till my next blog:)
As I've said before, it was a blast! It started off with the shipwreck & Viola saying that she would pose as a man and serve Duke Orsino in Illyria. She had lost her twin brother, Sebastian to the sea and thought him dead. The story continues with Orsino getting Viola (known to him as Cesario) to woo his crush, Lady Olivia on his behalf. At the same time, Viola falls for Orsino & Olivia falls for 'Cesario'. Then there's Sebastian somewhere else being taken care of by Antonio, a sea captain who saved him from the wreckage.
Then there's the subplot, including, Sir Toby (Olivia's uncle), Maria (Olivia's servant), Sir Andrew and the Fool conspiring against the head steward, Malvolio. They make him believe that Olivia is in love with him and that it's her wish for him to wear yellow stockings and smile non-stop. When Olivia sees him, she thinks he's mad and send him to be locked away. Of course, they taunt him while he's locked up.
Once Sebastian and Antonio arrive at Illyria, the confusion begins. Sebastian ends up secretly marrying Olivia, who thinks he's Cesario (though he has no idea why she's crazy for him) and Antonio who thought Viola was Sebastian get caught for making a scene. The play ends with Viola and Sebastian together in one place and they untangle the confusion and Orsino makes Viola his mistress.
There's a song that I love;
O mistress mine, where are you roaming?
O, stay and hear; your true love's coming,
That can sing both high and low:
Trip no further, pretty sweeting;
Journeys end in lovers meeting,
Every wise man's son doth know.
What is love? 'tis not hereafter;
Present mirth hath present laughter;
What's to come is still unsure:
In delay there lies no plenty;
Then come kiss me, sweet and twenty,
Youth's a stuff will not endure.
My favourite line is said by Antonio; How have you made division of yourself?
The song that ends the play was good too. There's a line or two in that song that I love;
But that's all one, our play is done,
And we'll strive to please you every day.
After the play, I met Dinesh outside. He was with another cast member, Ashley. She was so unlike her character who was strong and loud. The real Ashley was quite timid. That just goes to show how great an actress she is.
Alas, the end is upon us. Farewell!
Till my next blog:)
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